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Micro 8

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Micro 8 - Mafia in the Lounge
Forum: Northern Forest Archipelago
Moderator(s): Oversoul
Status: completed
Winner(s): Mafia

"Welcome to my little game," Martin continued "I hope you all find your seats comfortable. They along with these faces will be the last thing you see of the Lounge should you fail to achieve victory. Don't worry, though. Not everything is doom and gloom. Should you win, as I already explained, everything you'll ever need can be found inside the Lounge.

Are you ready to begin? I'd like to get this game started before this room becomes a smaller rendition of the smoke filled gallery through that door. We are of a different, more eccentric class in here and this game will be your first taste of what that eccentricity can do for you. First, can I offer you all a drink, anything that you'd like."

*sweat builds up on the brows of each man and woman listening, their hearts racing at the trap they've all stumbled into. Each guest casts nervous glances toward one another, for fear of the consequences of the game, or suspicion between each other only they know*




Day 1

Vote Count
# Target Voters
4 CryMeARiver Empking, Ser Arthur Dayne, Knight of Cydonia, mykonian
1 Ser Arthur Dayne Hyperion
2 not voting vendetta21, CryMeARiver

CryMeARiver (1-Shot Jailkeeper) — eliminated

Night 1

  • Mafia Goon (Ser Arthur Dayne) - no kill (successful)

Day 2

Vote Count
# Target Voters
4 Hyperion Empking, Ser Arthur Dayne, mykonian, farside22 (Lynch)
1 Ser Arthur Dayne Hyperion
1 not voting Knight of Cydonia

Hyperion (Vanilla Townie) — eliminated


farside22 (Vanilla Townie) - killed
Knight of Cydonia (Vanilla Townie) - killed
Empking (Vanilla Townie) - killed
mykonian (Mafia Goon) - survived
Ser Arthur Dayne (Mafia Goon) - survived

Micro Games
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