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this site is a dangerous place to express yourself. they will ban you and make up a reason to justify it. they wont respond to your questions.

town games (7-6): Most Recent at the Bottom

Newbie 1997 (lynched in lylo day 3 for town loss)

Guns & Roses IV (killed night 3 for town loss)

Newbie 2003 (lynched day 3, town lost day 4)

Open 778: Nightless Vanilla (lynched day 4, town won day 11)

Newbie 2004 (replaced out day 2, town win)

Micro 943: Treestump Express (treestumped night 1, town loss)

Lange Nonal 227 (killed night 5, town won day 6)

Newbie 2006 (lynched day 2, town lost day 3)

Newbie 2007 (endgamed day 3, town loss)

Mini Normal 2141 (lynched day 5, town won day 6)

Micro 945 Cult D3 (lolhammered day 1, town won day 4)

Micro 946 Comet: Kill Switch (survived, town won flawlessly day 1)

Micro 946 Mantis Leadership (survived, scum surrendered night 2)

scum (5-0): Most Recent at the Bottom

Mini Normal 2137: Polandball Mafia (survived and won day 6)

Animals Upick (lynched day 2, won day 6)

Micro 938: Butterfly Mafia (survived and won day 3)

Micro 950: Lovers Mafia (survived and won day 2)

Mini Normal 2147: Door Mafia (survived and won night 4)