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Format shamelessly stolen from Alexhans, who shamelessly stole it from StrangerCoug.


Alignment Wins Losses Draws Total
Town 2 8 0 10
Scum 4 0 0 4
Neutral 0 0 0 0
Total 6 8 0 14
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Newbie 707 - Nitoville, Steel Ward Incognito 2008-11-27 2009-03-19 idea Killed Night 3, was a Cop Mafia Wins
Comments: This was the longest Newbie game ever, and I'm proud to have been a part of that. It was so frustrating that I knew who the remaining scum was, even when still alive, and couldn't manage to convince the others.
Newbie 761 bird1111 2009-03-23 2009-06-23 Lynched Day 2, was a Townie Mafia Wins
Comments: This was a strange game, with poor gameplay (much of it on my part) and a lot of replacements. This may have actually been an instance in which my self-voting would have been beneficial to the town; the town accidentally blew a chance to lynch me day 1, and there was no way I could talk my way out of it on Day 2 (although I certainly tried).
Newbie 820 ShadowLurker 2009-07-30 2009-09-13 Endgamed Day 3, was a Townie Mafia Wins
Comments: The scum were able to run away with this one without much trouble. The town play was pretty lousy, my own included; I moved and lost my home Internet connection during this game, and while I never want to replace out, I admit I couldn't give this game my all. I took a long break from mafiascum after this one.
Newbie 886 bird1111 2009-12-28 2010-03-09 Killed Night 1, was a Townie Mafia Wins
Comments: I was pretty surprised to be nightkilled early in this one. As a vanilla townie, I intentionally acted a teensy bit scummy in hopes of drawing out scum and sticking around in the game. I wasn't particularly upset by the nightkill, but this game was embarrassing for everyone (myself included) to lose as town.
Newbie 901 farside22 2010-01-20 2010-03-31 Dr. Cyanide Lynched Day 4, was a Mafia Goon Mafia Wins
Comments: I would have never replaced into this one, not with my perfect record as mafia, if I had realized how much trouble I was in. But we won anyway  :)
Newbie 903 fuzzylightning 2010-01-29 2010-04-14 pwnman Lynched Day 3, was a Townie Mafia Wins
Comments: I replaced a lurker, and thought I'd avoid being lynched by quite obviously not caring about being lynched. I was lynched, the scum had already been declared town, and after wasting a lot of time, we lost.
Newbie 931 - The Power of Words Haylen 2010-03-19 2010-04-25 Survived, was a Cop Town Wins
Comments: A quick and awesome town win. Coyote was scummy, FakeGod inexplicably roleclaimed doctor, I was safe to claim cop once FakeGod survived and Coyote flipped as roleblocker, and startransmission never had a prayer.
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Mini 761 X 2009-03-15 2009-06-03 Survived, was the Mafia Godfather Mafia Wins
Comments: This was my most satisfying win to date. I was under a good amount of suspicion all game long, but managed to take advantage of some scummy behavior by others to stay alive.
Mini Theme
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Inventor Mafia Riceballtail 2009-04-20 2009-09-16 AceMarksman Survived, was a Townie Town Wins
Comments: I loved the concept of this game. I was already pretty clear when I replaced in, and was able to help the town to victory.
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Prisoner's Dilemma Mafia II Machiavellian-Mafia 2008-12-19 2009-04-03 Killed Day 1, was a Mafia Goon Mafia Wins
Comments: My first game on mafiascum. Although I'd played mafia elsewhere, I was way way over my head here. While I'm proud of the win, I must admit I contributed nothing to it.
Saving Nasubi shaft.ed 2009-04-08 2009-05-27 Endgamed Day 6, was a Nasubi Fanboy (vanilla townie) Mafia Wins
Comments: This game was a lot of fun. I thought I breadcrumbed my town role sufficiently, and wish I could have done something to not be lynched for the scumwin. DGB's play really angered me, but I'll miss her regardless.
Lynch All Lurkers Mafia Yosarian2 2009-04-15 2009-06-08 Survived, was a Daymason (pro-town) Town Wins
Comments: My first win as town. Buddied up with obvtown roflcopter and elvis_knits early on, but unfortunately we were way off on a lot of our suspects. In the end, the scum's fakeclaims did them in...all there were in this game were vanilla townies, pro-town daymasons, and scum.
The Manor: Chzo Mafia Knight of Cydonia 2009-05-10 2009-09-24 Queen Elizabeth II Survived, was Canning (evil cop) Mafia Wins
Comments: My favorite role yet. Only The Prince (populartajo) and I were the scumteam, but my cop abilities turned out to be huge. After kinda screwing up my fakeclaim, I got into some trouble...but I was able to redeem myself by playing a perfect little pro-town cop, except staying away from Tajo and framing Percy at the end for the win.
Phables: Death Note Mafia Gelus 2009-06-04 2009-09-08 Killed, Night 5, was L (pro-town cop) Mafia Wins
Comments: Another cop role; I seem to get those a lot. I kind of struggled to understand the complicated setup (it didn't help that I knew very little about Death Note), I am always criticized for being too quiet in games like this, but I had fun regardless. And I do want to read/watch some Death Note sometime now.
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Battle for Heaven Mr. Flay 2009-03-10 2009-03-11 Killed, was a Cherubim (townie) Mafia Wins
Comments: This quick Marathon Game is just a blur in my memory. I stuck up for Lord Gurgi, as he seemed maybe too scummy to be scum. Yeah, that worked out well.