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Alias: none
Alignment: any
Role type:
  • Linked
  • Communicative
  • Investigative
Choice: none

Pseudomasons are players who know each other's alignment and can speak to each other. Unlike Masons, Pseudomasons can be any alignment. Scum pseudomasons will be known to be scum to the the other pseudomasons.

Standard version

A Pseudomason is informed of the other pseudomason's alignments (e.g. Pseudomasons in the same group know a Town Pseudomason is Town-aligned and they know a Mafia Pseudomason is Mafia-aligned). A group of pseudomasons can communicate with each other in a shared private topic.


Mason is the role where this role is derived from.

A variant pseudomason could instead know if players in the pseudomasonry are Town or Not Town, as if they were checked by a Cop.

Coworkers know each other's role.