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DeathSauce is ALWAYS the towniest.

Games played - Roles - Game result

Newbie 328 Niceton or Naughtyton? -Townie - Lynched Day Two - Mafia win

Newbie 342 CHAOS in Peaceville -Townie (replacing DLMF) - Killed in End Game - Mafia win

Mini 425 Generic Western Mafia -Townie (replacing Avinyl) - Lynched Day Two - Scum Win

Mini 436 -Townie -lynched Day Two - Mafia win

Mini 460 Werewolves! - Villager - lynched Day Two (AGAIN!?!) - Werewolves (scum) win

Mini 474 Bergamo Bump-off - Inventor - Nightkilled Night One - Mafia win

Open 41 Quicklynch Nightless- Mafia - lynched Day Seven - Town Win

Mini 485 Formula One (replacing ojpower) - Townie. Unbelievable. Lynched at deadline Day Two - Scum Win

Open 43 C9 +2 - Scum - lynched Day Two - Town win

Open 46 - Strawberry - Townie (replacing White) - Endgamed - Mafia win

Open 180 - Out in the Wilde - Townie - Lynched Day 2 - Scum win

Mini 845 - The Amish Village - Vanilla Townie (Replacing Kairyuu) - Lynched Day 2 (again) - Town win

Cults of Darkness and Shadow - Vanilla Town - Killed by evil Cult Scum on Night 3 - Cult of Shadow wins

British Comedy Mafia - Mafia goon (Replacing ConfidAnon)- Scum win!

Mini 911 - Mike's Pizzeria Mafia - Bodyguard (Replacing DiamondCrash) - Died valiantly to protect IdiotKing Night 2 - Scum win

Mini 935 - The Fountainhead - Miller (Replacing horrordude0215 who played awfully and was at L-1 at my replacement, and is probably responsible for his parent's divorce)- Lynched D1 - Scum win

Mini 937 - Mafia on Death Row - Mafia Goon - Lynched Day 3 - Scum win

Rapture Mafia My first Theme game - Citizen (town) (Replacing Leech) - Ongoing

Mafia Karma

DeathSauce's mafia karma is currently at +9.

Replaced Into: 9
Been Replaced: 0