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StrangerCoug StrangerCoug MafiaScum Avatar 5.JPG
StrangerCoug MafiaScum Avatar 5.JPG This user plays Mafia. (Talk)


I am Jeffrey Hope, your resident village idiot (unfortunate as that is). I was born on December 26, 1989 in Virginia Beach, VA, but I grew up in El Paso, TX and recently moved to Chaparral, NM a short distance away. Sometimes I think I want to get out of here—I'm so bored of this place! In fact, anytime I'm more than 50 miles away, I'm happy.

Believe it or not, I at one time ran both the U.S. version (which I'm currently trying to give to UnofficialRulerOfEveryone) and at one time the U.K. version (since taken over by bird1111) of Monopoly in the Mish Mash forum. I did the U.S. version first simply because I'm American. I like how different places in the world do things differently, however, so I started the British version three weeks later.

I'm still modding Shut the Box (currently in its second incarnation), Casino Blackjack, and Card Sharks: Play Your Cards Right (based on the game show) in Mish Mash. Yeah, I should put these games in the list of modded games way down below. Whatever.

On top of all that, I also help MeMe keep both mini queues up to date. While this was once an on-and-off "Hey, this is messed up" kind of thing, I officially became responsible for updating it on January 13, 2009. (MeMe still fills up games, nags at mods who fall off the face of the site, etc.)

Origin of the name

As I said, I first played Mafia on Rooster Teeth. The first time I signed up as StrangerCoug was on there. As seems to be commonplace on that site, most usernames have something to do with one of the machinima series, especially Red vs. Blue. Only the former was true in my case: my addiction was to The Strangerhood since, when I started watching the videos and visiting the site, I didn't have a computer that would work with The Sims 2. When I finally decided to join their forums, I implemented the fact that I liked those videos in my user name by making it a portmanteau of that and my high school mascot, which happened to be the cougar. I tried to make my name StrangerCougar, but the site only allowed names to be a 12-letter maximum. I left it as what could fit, and on December 30, 2005, the name as we know it was born.

You will sometimes see "the StrangerCoug", especially when I'm referring to myself in the third person, but the word "the" is not officially part of my user name and is therefore lowercase unless it starts a sentence. Addressing me as "The StrangerCoug" is incorrect. was the last site on which I signed up as StrangerCoug when I still had a cougar to call a mascot; however, since August 2007 it has also been my fursona. (Yes, I'm a furry. Get over it.)

Playing History

I first played Mafia as a forum game on a site called Rooster Teeth. I've made myself quite an established presence there, playing every round except for the first and the seventh, being the game moderator in the latter. When I came over to MafiaScum (via my browsing around on Wikipedia) and signed up on May 6, 2008, one of the biggest things I noticed different is that, on MafiaScum, all votes are viewable to the public and can be changed by the person making them. On Rooster Teeth you had to send a PM to the game moderator, and once he recorded it you were not allowed to change it (as far as I knew, anyway). I have now adapted to both, and I actually think the game on here is more fun. The Rooster Teeth Mafia thread is seeing some changes to bring it a bit closer to what it's like here on MafiaScum, however (days and nights were numbered à la this site in rounds 7 and 8, though they've reverted to being unnumbered).

Playing Style

  • I'm generally an aggressive player.
  • I avoid meta if I can and use it only to determine how a player plays in general. I am against using meta to determine alignment.
  • I only reread if I absolutely have to—I like playing as I go better.
  • I don't like repeating myself as I feel that I can get myself into a loop if I'm not careful.
  • I generally let discussions about what I otherwise want to talk about run their course. I try to only butt in if I have something new to add, even if it's minor.
  • I have been known to object to things I don't understand.
  • I've also been known to take things too literally on occasion.
  • The calmer I am, the better I think I play.
  • Last but not least, even though I'm not new, I'm still learning. A recent example is that people will outright call people scum if they're confident of such without saying "I think", "probably", etc. and they aren't necessarily cop, scum, or tunnel-visioned town.

Avatar History

Picture Used Comments
StrangerCoug MafiaScum.JPG 2008-05-06 to 2008-08-14 This is my first MafiaScum avatar. It is a crop of a fursona I drew myself (yes, I'm a furry—get over it) called "Peaceful Falls", sometimes called Fursona 5 since it's the fifth one that's been made for me. It's only the second one for myself that I drew, though.
StrangerCoug MafiaScum2.JPG 2008-08-14 to 2008-10-24 My second avatar, which took awhile to make the way I wanted it. I think I did a good job with what I could, though. I made this because I didn't want to use a cartoony avatar on MS anymore. The actual avatar is actually a PNG, not a JPG, but I had trouble uploading the PNG version on MafiaWiki.
Clumsily Blue small 100x100 JPEG.JPG 2008-10-24 to 2008-12-06 This image, a crop of Clumsily Blue (another fursona drawing of mine, my eighth) wasn't intended to ever be my avatar, but it was too cute in my opinion to resist the temptation to upload it.

As with the avatar before it, the actual image used on the forum is a PNG, not a JPG.

StrangerCoug Christmas.JPG 2008-12-06 to 2008-12-28 My Christmas avatar for 2008. Note that I normally do not draw my fursona with a bow on his tail—this is specific to this avatar. I also normally put a watch on his right wrist, but I had a hard time drawing it right, so I just took it out.

Once again, the version seen on the forums is a PNG instead of a JPEG.

StrangerCoug MafiaScum Avatar 5.JPG 2008-12-28 to the present My fifth avatar for MafiaScum. Credit for this image goes to the Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, FL.

Mafia games outside

I do play Mafia on sites other than MafiaScum. Those recorded below:

Rooster Teeth

This is the site I played Mafia on before I came here. It took awhile to adapt to the site because of several major differences between the game there and here, most notably:

  • The game pace is much faster on Rooster Teeth. From the start of the game day to the next one was one week for the first two rounds and alternating three and four days thereafter.
  • Voting is private and the mod does not give vote counts, but he or she does sometimes give hints about the latter. Unvotes are now allowed as of RT 8, though. Because votes are not public knowledge, it's common for the Mafia to all vote one person, and lynches in which only the Mafia participated have happened.
  • Not only the lynch but the night kill is voted on. For obvious reasons, only the Mafia gets to vote on the night kill.
  • The first two rounds were night starts, but every round since RT 3 has been a day start.
  • There is always at least a sane Day Cop (simply called the Cop) and a Bodyguard (in MafiaScum terms, actually the doctor); in most but not all games, both are known. however, other power roles have been experimented with.
  • Replacement players do not exist (although one almost happened the round after I left). In more recent rounds, inactive players, defined as someone who did not send in a Mafia hit or vote for two lynch cycles, were marked as "in a coma" and treated as not playing until they did send in a vote.
  • The setup, which has always been open, was a 22-player game with 10 Civilians, 10 Mafia, the Cop, and the Bodyguard in RT 1 and 2. The number of players is now variable and the ratio of civilians to Mafiosi is no longer one to one (for obvious reasons).
  • It is possible for players to get hints from other player's posts in thread; however, the majority of the hints come from the storyline, which in turn often involve the profiles of those playing. The most helpful hints are the cop investigations given the information in the fourth bullet above.
  • Speaking of the story lines, they are often longer and much more detailed than those found on MafiaScum.

I announced my retirement from Rooster Teeth Mafia (at least for the moment) on December 27, 2008 due to my inability to keep up with the game. However, I still watch the Mafia thread so I can update the information here.


Please note the following:

  • All dates are written in year-month-day format and given in Mountain Time. Mountain Standard Time is GMT–07:00; Mountain Daylight Time is GMT–06:00.
  • I no longer count abandoned games as draws, nor do I any longer assume my role would have been neutral if I never got it.
  • Games I replaced out of count, down to anything happening to my replacement also happening to me.

Of the 10 games listed still in progress, I am still alive in 2 and have a replacement for me alive in 4. 2 games I've been in have been abandoned.


Alignment Wins Losses Draws Total
Town 6 11 1 18
Scum 4 3 0 7
Neutral 0 0 0 0
Total 10 14 1 25


Alignment Lynched Nightkilled Endgamed Survived Other Total
Town 12 3 3 2 2 22
Scum 5 1 0 2 0 9
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 4 3 4 2 30

Games Played

Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Newbie 602 JDodge replaced by Mr. Flay 2008-04-23 2008-09-03 Iceall during Day 1 Lynched Day 3, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: I replaced in soon after I got lynched in Newbie 614, so I came off as one that was worrying too much about my actions (which is true, so I don't blame the town). I tried to use my improving since I replaced in as a defense Day 3 since this particular game being slow allowed for me to play better elsewhere, but it didn't help.
Newbie 614 Thok 2008-05-18 2008-06-30 Lynched Day 1, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: I consider this game a blunder on my part. I got way too emotional, ended up with a fight with ChannelDelibird and Crazy, and found myself with a noose around my neck. I think you get the idea.
Newbie 630 Thok 2008-06-16 2008-10-04 Endgamed, was the doctor Mafia wins
Comments: I was nearly lynched Day 1 and was forced to claim to save myself. I made it to lynch-or-lose despite heavy suspicion towards me (specifically, speculating about the event of my being counterclaimed). Scum opted to keep me alive and roleblock me from then on to look for the doc. I took a gamble on raider8169 being scum, which I thought was going to pay off seeing as a quicklynch wasn't happening, but scum was slow to coordinate a quicklynch, and according to them in the post-game discussion, I was online the one time they otherwise could.
Mini Normal
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Mini 591: Re-Infiltration somestrangeflea 2008-04-24 2008-07-07 PsychoBob during Day 1 Endgamed, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: My first game and what I still think is one of my best played despite my losing. I felt very nervous during lynch-or-lose as I was the one left to cast the deciding vote. Talmadge Monroe successfully escaped my suspicion for the entire game, so I picked killa seven over him mostly for pojedinac's actions and ended up losing.
Mini 601: Cog City: Trouble Below Incognito 2008-05-21 2008-07-30 Lynched Day 3, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: Note to self: Don't hammer the vigilante and then come to an impasse over a specific player being town or scum. Damn Oman for screwing with my mind to the point of getting me lynched.
Mini 604: Mayor's Mansion ooba 2008-05-24 2008-07-17 clockwork during Day 1 Lynched Day 1, was a vanilla townie Town wins
Comments: This is another game I consider myself to have blundered in; however, I was the only mislynch and the town was VERY lucky to get a win. Read it if you don't believe me.
Mini 618: Farside of the moon farside22 2008-06-19 2008-07-28 Lynched Day 1, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: Perfect scum win. I got lynched for my tunnel vision on Doktor Per Day 1, he in turn got lynched Day 2, and the serial killer got lynched Day 3. Bam, bam, bam.
Mini 624 Hypatia 2008-06-27 2008-10-02 Lynched Day 5, was a Mafia goon Town wins
Comments: I didn't make myself look too suspicious in the early game; however, I mistook Battousai's cop claim as a counterclaim against me since he voted me right after I faked tracker. After I realized it, I thought I was "royally screwed over" and voted myself. Thinking that I was stalling the game after doing so, I unvoted and went after who I thought was playing particuarly scummy. On Night 4, I thought Battousai would investigate me (he did), and I tried to divert suspicion from by leaving him alive and hoping he was naïve (he was). Even though I tried to cast suspicion on Battousai in doing so, my primary targets were still Wumbo and Cass. Part of what got me lynched was that three cops, a tracker, a forensic investigator, and four vanilla townies versus two Mafia goons and a Mafia roleblocker (I lied about being roleblocked and a massclaim blew up my "roleblocker is town" theory) made no sense. Not too bad, but I think I could have done better.
Mini 630: The Council of Eville Dean Harper backed up by Macavenger 2008-07-12 2008-10-19 Lynched Day 3, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: Night 1 was pretty weird to me. Neither attempted kill that night went through—the vigilante tried to kill me for what I think was my OMGUSy attitude early Day 1 but got roleblocked, and the doctor protected the Mafia target, which ironically was the traitor. That same I was lynched Day 3 mainly for my radical change of play since Day 1 (from panicky to relatively calm) and that I was the most likely to be the roleblocker. Another flawless victory by scum.
Mini 654 springlullaby 2008-08-14 Game called, role never received Mod abandoned
Comments: The mod says that she broke her laptop and was unable to get an Internet connection from where she was staying when she got it fixed. I would still like to play her game to see what the setup is like.
Mini 677: Powerball Mafia clammy backed up by jas 2008-09-24 Lynched Day 2, was a Democratic Mafia framer Day 5
Comments: The backup moderator's name should be enclosed in square brackets; however, using them messes up the Wiki formatting. This is an ongoing game, however, and I am not yet allowed to comment further on it.
Mini 698: Georgetown Mafia Huntress 2008-10-27 Lynched Day 1, was a Mafia roleblocker Day 3
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Mini 714: Have Fun Mafia BridgesAndBaloons 2008-12-05 alexhans during Day 2 alexhans still alive Day 2
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Mini Theme
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Mini 620: Psychopathic Xyzzy Mod xyzzy 2008-06-28 2008-07-15 Lynched Day 2, was JEEP (scum) Town wins
Comments: This was unusual to say the least. Everybody had the post restriction that the 100th post by a player would modkill them, so we took to posting once or twice a day and covering as much as possible in out posts. I misunderstood my role and thought I was town until my scumbuddy PM'd me otherwise (we were allowed to talk during the day). Given my frequent posting on this site even then, the mod was surprised that I didn't spam the thread so I could submit a nightkill.
Mini 631: Mental War Mafia Nocmen 2008-07-14 2008-09-06 Killed Night 1, was the auditory system (scum disease accessor) Scum disease wins
Comments: One of the most confusing games I've ever played. The mod created a secret account for ashmite84 and me called Dialects, which for the purposes of the game was neutral. I thought Dialects was scum aligned, so there were times that I was voting him, and I made some scummy comments on the Dialects account on purpose. I also wasn't clearly sure what I was and was not allowed to do with the Dialects account. I was not told who was scum with me, nor were the other two scum told I was on their side; therefore, I tried to nightkill ashmite84 specifically for breaking the game when I didn't know I did not have a kill, so my death took everybody by surprise.
Mini 644: Meerkat Manor Mafia Rishi 2008-07-31 2008-10-10 Evicted Day 4, was Mozart (Whiskers, vanilla townie) Whiskers win
Comments: Were it not for curiouskarmadog's fakeclaim (among other things), we would probably have lost. curiouskarmadog, who I had been going after for a good bit of Day 3, fakeclaimed serial killer cop with a guilty on me Day 4. My only weapons against him were a specific scummy action of his and my idea of the setup at the time, which turned out to be dead on. Even though I knew it didn't matter in which order curiouskarmadog and I were lynched, I felt it against the spirit of the game to just give up and die solely to prove him wrong. I was lynched first, but in hindsight I don't think I was lynched in vain—it exposed curiouskarmadog's lie, and he self-hammered Day 5 to give us the win.
Mini 658: Facedown and Thirsty Mafia yellowbounder 2008-08-20 2008-10-28 Lynched Day 4, was a Tragic Love Story (town) Mafia wins
Comments: Perfect scum win AGAIN. Way to set me up to fall and get you a win, Kairyuu. This is my second consecutive LYLO loss where I was the mislynch that cost the game, the first being Mini 630. If it's any consolation, though, my title "Does not Compute" comes from this game (iamausername said that I put him "in mind of a robot attempting to emulate human behaviour").
Mini 699: Insane Asylum Mafia forbiddanlight backed up by nonny 2008-10-29 Kublai Khan during Day 4 Kublai Khan still alive Day 5
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Mini 700: Monta Vista Mafia Flameaxe 2008-10-30 Requested Still alive Period 5
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Large Normal
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Mafia 79: "The Amish Mafia" xyzzy backed up by KaleiÐoscøpe 2008-04-12 2008-09-09 Evilgorillaz during Night 2 Killed Night 4, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: None as of yet.
Mafia 82: International skitzer backed up by farside22 2008-08-18 Lynched Day 3, was a Swiss townie Day 6
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Mafia 90: Lolwat? Mafia Natirasha backed up by armlx 2009-01-10 Requested Still alive Night 1
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Large Theme
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Diablo III: The Black Fang Albert B. Rampage 2008-07-17 2008-11-11 W!nt3r during Day 1 Requested, but believed never found Murdered Day 1, was Ursula (town vigilante/healer) Town wins
Comments: I know very little about this game—in fact, despite my still having it on watch, I didn't even know it was over until December 6. I asked for a replacement because I found the game too confusing. It is not known who, if anybody, took my spot since the mod didn't announce when replacements took effect—I was simply told to just hurry up and post.
Traitor Mafia Skrmlx (Skruffs and armlx) 2008-09-19 2009-01-10 Survived, was a Mafia goon Mafia wins
Comments: My being declared the winner was delayed a bit because forbiddanlight's hammering killa seven and my celebrating my victory were both deleted in the database loss (the final vote count was me, Illumina, and forbiddanlight in that order voting killa seven, who in turn was voting Illumina). After some debate, the mod declared that I had technically won, though it took him awhile to figure out what exactly had happened.

I'm still annoyed by the fact that my scumbuddies all proceeded to get themselves modkilled for inactivity on Day 4, but I'm still proud of my first win as last scum standing. I think what helped is that iLord, a player I thought was dangerous to me, flipped traitor to my surprise when I killed him Night 4 and the town proceeded to think that he wouldn't be bussing me.

The Price Is Right Mafia xyzzy 2008-10-21 2008-12-17 or 2008-12-18 Game called, was a vanilla townie Abandoned by the moderator
Comments: There wasn't an exactly announced moment that the game was called (which is why I didn't post links), just a 24-hour notice given 2008-12-16T23:22:46–07:00 followed by a title change to declare it abandoned. The concept of "townhunting" (as opposed to scumhunting) appears not to have been well-liked, from what I recall playing.
Mind Screw Mafia 3 Tarhalindur 2008-10-29 zwetschenwasser during Day 6 zwetschenwasser lynched Day 7, was Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (mostly vanilla townie) Day 8
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Open 72: Mountainous Multiball Selande 2008-05-12 2008-06-18 ya_its_me during confirmation stage Survived, was a Werewolf Werewolves win
Comments: According to the mod in the post-game discussion, town did not defend themselves when attacked, making mislynches pretty easy. I realized Night 2 that the only chance town had was for the remaining Mafia and one of us to kill each other, and the Mafioso had a better chance of killing one of us than the other way around. Voodo, my scumbuddy, correctly guessed that DizzyIzzyB13 was the last Mafia, and she in turn killed Greasy Spot, giving us the win.
Open 80: Double Day Mafia somestrangeflea 2008-06-19 2008-11-11 Bogre during Day 1.5 Lynched Day 3.0, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: None as of yet.
Open 81: The New C9 Rogueben 2008-06-27 2008-10-29 Endgamed, was the vigilante Draw
Comments: I'm surprised I lived to see lynch-or-lose since I was driven to claim on Day 1 for vote hopping. I don't have any comments other than that as of yet.
Open 88: Polygamist Mafia Xtoxm 2008-08-06 2008-09-25 Zoolander during Day 1 Committed suicide Day 1, was town lover with Citizen Karne (town) Polygamists win
Comments: None as of yet.
Open 94: Trendy and Subversive C9 Scigatt 2008-09-12 2008-10-24 PimHel during Day 2 who replaced farside22 during Night 1 who replaced Jex during Day 1 Survived, was a vanilla townie Town wins
Comments: Town was pretty lucky—we had not one, but two successful doc saves, one of which effectively cleared me (which makes me happy since farside22 got a lot of rap for her actions). An obvious fakeclaim plus the town guessing right on a 50:50 chance helped in what I think was my easiest game ever.
Open 95: Night Watch Jex 2008-11-04 2008-12-22 Killed Night 3, was a vanilla townie Town wins
Comments: Town did a great job. Only one mislynch occured, and process of elimination worked well in our favor.
Open 96: Carbon-14 -TinVision- 2008-11-01 2008-11-22 Lynched Day 3, was a Mafia goon Town wins
Comments: It was luck more than skill that drove the later part of this game—to quote my scumbuddy, popsofctown, "the town actually failed into success". Basically, I faked seer and claimed that popsofctown was guilty—which of course I knew he was, but the problem is that seers are supposed to get guilty results on werewolves, not Mafia. The real seer, Kublai Khan, did not counterclaim me until after the vote to lynch popsofctown was cast, and his flip confirmed me as scum.

popsofctown was upset at the loss and accused me of being a quitter given my Day 3 actions after the game ended. My explanation is that I could only win Day 3 if the town wasn't paying attention, which, even in hindsight, I feel is a cheap way to go about it.

Open 98: Bird C9 roffman 2008-11-08 2008-11-23 Survived, was a vanilla townie Town wins
Comments: The first part of the game was slow, but I think the endgame is proof that I'm getting better at this game. The person left to cast the final vote of the game thought that I was the more consistent of his two options while the other was too dismissive of my arguments, and I'm proud of my first win at LYLO.
Open 100: Friends and Enemies and Enemies and That Other Guy ThAdmiral 2008-11-24 Budja during Day 2 BlakAdder during 2#p1474949Day 2 (Link) BlakAdder still alive Day 3
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Open 104: The New C9 darkdude 2008-12-02 Wall-E during Day 3 Wall-E still alive Day 3
Comments: This is an ongoing game and I am not yet allowed to comment on it.
Open 106: Impotence Mafia Crazy 2008-12-04 Lynched Day 1, was a vanilla townie Mafia wins
Comments: I hate being manipulated, but I have to admit that EmpTyger did a good job.

Games Modded

Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status
Mini Normal
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status
Mini 716: El Puma StrangerCoug backed up by SensFan 2008-12-10 2009-01-09 Mafia wins
Comments: Even if you ignore the activity problems this game had early on (I had to go find seven replacements on Day 1!), I am amazed at how unusually fast this game was. I was disappointed by the game balance, but still had fun modding it.
Mini Theme
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status
Mini 742: Monopoly Mafia StrangerSSK (StrangerCoug and MafiaSSK) 2009-02-06 Ongoing Day 1
Large Normal
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status
Mafia 91: Hell Aboard the Purple Flower StrangerSSK (StrangerCoug and MafiaSSK) backed up by OhGodMyLife Not yet in progress Signup stage
Comments: You can't comment on future games, now can you? =P
Large Theme
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status


Of the 0 game listed still in progress, I am still alive in 0. 1 game I've been in have been abandoned.

The Rooster Teeth player lists reveal the cop (and, depending on the round, the bodyguard) at the start of the game AND player alignments upon investigation. However, I follow the same practice for these games as MafiaScum games—as long as I'm alive, the player status will say "Still alive" and no mention will be made of my role until that is no longer true.


Alignment Wins Losses Draws Total
Town 4 4 0 8
Scum 1 2 0 3
Neutral 0 0 0 0
Total 5 6 0 11


Alignment Lynched Nightkilled Endgamed Survived Other Total
Town 0 2 2 2 1 7
Scum 3 0 0 1 0 4
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 2 2 3 1 11

Games Played

Rooster Teeth Mafia
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Player status Game status
Round 2 Waldo69 2007-12-13 2008-01-30 Endgamed, was the Cop Mafia wins
Comments: I lost my Internet connection during Day 2 (if I remember correctly) and didn't get it back until early the following March; therefore I had to post at a public library.
Round 3 Jalnor 2008-02-18 2008-03-03 Survived, was Mafia Mafia wins
Comments: My favorite scene from this is actually a deleted scene, despite being one that would have clearly given me away as Mafia. Remember that, unlike on MafiaScum, the mod gives hints as to the Mafia. I think this was the first round where the cop revealed a Mafioso yet a mislynch still occured that day (votes are not public knowledge on Rooster Teeth), but I do remember being the only Mafioso not revealed until the game was over.
Round 4 Jalnor 2008-03-24 2008-04-09 Survived, was a civilian Civilians win
Comments: None as of yet.
Round 5 Jalnor 2008-04-21 2008-05-10 Survived, was the Bodyguard Civilians win
Comments: None as of yet.
Round 6 SarBni 2008-05-18 2008-06-14 Lynched Day 4, was Mafia Civilians win
Comments: None as of yet.
Round 8 subversive89 2008-07-15 2008-08-13 Blown up Night 3, was a civilian Civilians win
Comments: None as of yet.
Round 9 Jalnor 2008-08-18 2008-09-13 Lynched Day 5, was Mafia Civilians win
Comments: This round introduced roles other than cop and bodyguard, the latter of which was made secret as of this round. This also had player lists that marked people as "in a coma", i.e. inactive. This did not happen in Round 10, however, but each round after that had marked inactive players.

After the cop's investigation, my death became inevitable, so I asked for the death scene linked here. To this day, it's one of my favorites.

Round 10 SarBni 2008-09-17 2008-10-07 Endgamed, was a civilian Mafia wins
Comments: I had a grudge on the mod for awhile that continued into Round 11 and even made it on this page. I didn't think the game was fair, and the mod said I never voted, which is untrue. On the not-so-mean-to-him side, this is the first round that I didn't run as moderator for since the original mod, Waldo69, said he wanted to play instead. This is also the second round where the cop revealed a Mafioso yet a mislynch still occured for the day.
Round 11 jaxom_rahl 2008-10-12 2008-10-28 Beaten to death Night 3, was the bodyguard Mafia wins
Comments: Round 11 had much of the same town activity problems as Round 10 and also had mislynches occuring with an exposed Mafioso.
Round 12 f3licks 2008-11-01 2008-11-21 Vigged Night 3, was a civilian Civilians win
Comments: The day numbering was confusing as death posts were always given for "night X" and not "day X" in lynch posts.
Round 13 CaptZodiac 2008-11-26 2008-12-07 Lynched Day 3, was Mafia Abandoned by the moderator
Comments: None as of yet.
Round 14 DarkWizzard 2008-12-11 2009-01-01 Given the boot Day 2, was a civilian Mafia wins
Comments: This round wasn't exactly fun. I became Rooster Teeth's first "voteblocker" target this round—not only could I not cast a vote to lynch, but if I were Mafia, I would have had no say as to who to whack either. I was dayvigged that game day, too.

I departed from the Mafia thread after this round (see "Mafia games outside" above for reasons) with a break-even record as town and a losing record as scum, which is better than my current record. In addition, while a frequent occurrence on MS, I have never been mislynched on Rooster Teeth (though I was misvigged twice). All in all, I've had a good time, but I want to wait until I actually have time for the thread before playing again.

Games Modded

Rooster Teeth Mafia
Game Moderator Started Ended Replaced Replaced by Game status
Round 7 StrangerCoug 2008-06-18 2008-07-12 Civilians win
Comments: For my first modded game in cyberspace, I think I did pretty well. Most of my mistakes involved the story line and the deadline, but I gave everybody's role upon death correctly.

For the purposes of calculating my own modding eligibility on MafiaScum, I DON'T count this game because of the drastically different format and playstyle.


This is where you and I get to post quotes by, about, or to me on MafiaScum that we find interesting. Feel free to add on as desired.

These should be in chronological order, by the way.


  • I had a dream last night of you getting lynched. But then, somebody (CDB, I think) said something like, "No, don't lynch him. All he did was a confession. Crazy has done --insert something here--. And then everyone unvoted you and voted me. Crazy, Newbie 614, post #90
  • I played Day 1 and I think part of Day 2 thinking I was town and didn't realize I was scum until Green Cow PM'd me. I tried to be very conservative with my posts since it would be obvious that I was scum if I did, but apparently that didn't work. We didn't even get a chance to kill anybody. ...Wait a minute—I've got an idea! *shoots xyzzy* StrangerCoug, Mini 620: Psychopathic Xyzzy Mod, post #161
  • Who the hell cares about social experiments? I refuse to copy and paste signature text just to follow a trend. StrangerCoug, as part of his signature from 2008-08-02 to 2008-08-07


StrangerCoug, post #596: How exactly do you buy Income Tax? (bird1111 miscounted his throw and thought he landed on Whitechapel, which was still available.)
animorpherv1, post #597: You distract the banker and cut the spot out of the board.
StrangerCoug, post #88: Let's add a #6 [to my list in post #4]: Getting people's genders wrong when it's right there in front of your nose.
Glork, post #89: Shut up, woman. Now get to making me a sandwich.
OhGodMyLife, post #90: Don't talk to her like that.
Cybele, post #790: Wow. It's been nearly a month, but I finally get to roll. (He throws an eight, putting him on Water Works.)
Cybele, post #791: Just so I can pay $32. Bugger all. Call me in February, when it's my turn again.
StrangerCoug, post #793: If I'm not packing when you get back.