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  • Charge Me Up!
Setup Size:
  • 14
Setup Type:

Charge Me Up is a Semi-Open setup designed for 14 players.

The game contains:

3 Mafia

11 Townies

All of the players may have Power Roles, but all Power Roles are X-Shot. The exact roles and the numbers of shots are determined in a special Pre-Game phase.

Determining the Power Roles

(1) In their first PM players get only their alignment (Mafia or Town). By confirming this, each player sends back a PM including two things:

– the PR they want to have and

– a single name they wish to Charge-up (from now on this is called Pre-Game Vote)

No player is allowed to self-vote in this phase.

Discussing about the Pre-Game phase, including the PRs the pre-Game Votes, in a public topic (eg. the game itself, the Queue) is strictly forbidden.

However, the Mafia has Daytalk and their Private Topic gets opened as soon as they get their Alignment PM. So, they are able to and allowed to discuss about their PR choices and votes.

(2) The possible PRs are the following:









– Midnight Desperado

– Friendly Neighbour

– Recharger

– Mystic

The Midnight Desperado can Kill a player during the Night phase, but if the Desperado killed a townie, he or she dies instead.

The Redirector can't Redirect the Nightkills.

The Friendly Neighbour can target another player during the Night phase who learns their alignment.

The Recharger and the Mystic are unique Power Roles to this setup.

A Recharger can target another player at Night; their target gains an additional shot, regardless of their role.

At Night a Mystic can learn how many actions have been performed during that Night, but not the nature of the actions themselves.

See the sample Role PMs below for details.

(3) Each player gets one charge (shot) after each Pre-Game Vote. But, for determining the amount of the charges, the following rules are applied in THIS order:

– If a player gets no Pre-Game-Vote, they remain Vanilla Townie or Mafia Goon (respectively).

– If there are two or more players choosing the same Power Role, the one who gets less Pre-Game Vote gets the PR and the other one remains Vanilla Townie or Mafia Goon.

– If exactly two players have the same Power Role and the same amount of Pre-Game Vote, both of them will get the desired role.

– If three or more players have the same Power Role and the same amount of Pre-Game Vote, all of them will remain Vanilla Townie or Mafia Goon.

See the example below if it seems too complicated.

(4) As soon as everyone sent their PM about the chosen Power Role and the Pre-Game Vote, the players get informed about the acquired Power Role and the amount of shots.

No other information is available for the players.

This means, noone knows who voted for them and if someone has failed to get a Power Role, they won't be informed, why. (Eg. not getting votes at all, someone else who's received fewer votes has the same role, etc.)

Other things about the Game Mechanics

The Resolution is the following, from highest to lowest priority:

– Mystic

– Commution

– Redirection

– Jailkeep

– Friendly Neighbour's Message

– Protection

– Nightkill

– Investigation

– Recharge

The Mystic gets informed about the total amount of Night actions (Nightkills included), regardless of their success or failure.

If someone's action gets Redirected, they will not be informed about it.

if someone gets Recharged, they'll get a PM about it, but the Recharger will not get information whether he or she was successful. If the Recharger targets a Vanilla Townie (or a Mafia Goon), nothing happens. In this case the Recharger loses a shot.

A Mafia member can not perform a Nightkill and another action at the same Night.

If a player fails to perform a Night Action (eg. because of the getting jailed, targeting a commuting player etc.), the Night Action is still lost.

Sample Role PMs

Taken (and modified) from these pages: Town Sided PM's, Scum Sided PM's, Third Party Sided PM's.

In their first PM, 11 players get the following PM:

Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie

Win Conditions:

  • You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.


  • You have no special abilities, your strength is your vote and intellect.

While 3 players get the following PM:

Mafia Goon

You are a Mafia Goon. Your Mafia Team members are [player name 1] and [player name 2]

Win Conditions:

  • You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead, or if nothing can prevent the same.


  • You share a Private Topic with your fellow scum; you may use this topic anytime.
  • You have a factional Nightkill meaning that each Night one of you may Kill a player.

After the Pre-Game phase (each player confirms their first PM, sends their Power Role they apply for and their Pre-Game Vote), the next PM contains the exact role of the players.

Those who failed to get a Power Role, will get this message:

Unfortunately, you've failed to get the Power Role you wanted for some reason.

Those who managed to get a Power Role, will get their new (and final) role in their next message.

Remember: all of the following Power Roles are X-shot and the value of X is determined Pre-Game. The Mod must replace X with the corresponding number.

Also, in theory, all of the Power Roles can be aligned with both factions. (Win Conditions are don't have to be included in this PM since it was already explained in the first PM.)

X-Shot Cop

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Cop

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may target a player to be investigated so as to discover their alignment. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing either [Mafia] or [Not Mafia]. You will receive a Message containing [No Result] if your action fails for any reason.

X-Shot Role Cop

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Role Cop.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may target a player to be investigated so as to discover role name. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing their role name. You will receive a Message containing [No Result] if your action fails for any reason.

X-Shot Tracker

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Tracker.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may target a player to be investigated so as to discover who that player targeted in the same Night. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing [Name(s)] or [None]. Should your tracking fail for any reason, you will receive a Message containing [No Result].

X-Shot Watcher

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Watcher.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may target a player to be investigated so as to discover who visited the targeted player during the same Night. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing the names(s) of the visiting players. You will receive a Message containing [None] if no one visited your target. You will receive a Message containing [No Result] if your action fails for any reason.

X-Shot Commuter

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Commuter.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may elect to "commute", which will render you immune to all actions on that night.

X-Shot Doctor

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Doctor.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may target a player to be protected; this will protect them from one kill for one Night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you have protected the player from a kill. You can not target yourself.

X-Shot Jailkeeper

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Jailkeeper.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice may target a player who will be protected from one kill during that night. Also, your target will be unable to perform any (active) Night Actions during the same Night. You will not be informed whether you protected the player from a kill or about the (possible) Night Actions your target were to perform.

X-Shot Redirector

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Redirector.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice you may target two players. Every Night Action performed on the first player you choose will be performed on the second player you choose; as if they had been targeted on them originally. Neither of your targets nor anyone who performed any Night Actions on your first target will be informed about the redirection. If your redirection fails, you will not be informed about it. You can not redirect Nightkills.

X-Shot Midnight Desperado

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Midnight Desperado.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice may target a player. If your target is a Mafia, he or she gets killed. However, if your target is not Mafia, you will die instead of him or her. If you fail to perform the kill because of some reason (eg. you're jailed, your target gets protected etc.), you will receive a PM from the mod with a text [Nightkill has been failed]. If this happens, you stay alive, regardless of your target's alignment, however, the shot itself is lost.

X-Shot Friendly Neighbour

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Friendly Neighbour.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice may target a player who will receive a PM from the Mod containing your alignment. You will not be informed if your action fails for some reason (eg. getting jailed). In this case the shot you performed is lost.

X-Shot Recharger

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Recharger.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice may target a player who gets an extra shot to their – already existing – ability. If you target a player who has no special abilities (a Vanilla Townie or a Mafia Goon), your shot is lost even if it will be ineffective. If you target a player who had special abilities but they have used them before your Night Action, they still get an extra shot. You will not get informed whether your action was successful or not.

X-Shot Midnight Mystic

Congratulations, now you are a X-Shot Midnight Mystic.

Your abilities:

  • At X Night(s) of your choice may learn the total amount of Night Actions performed at the same Night, regardless of their success or failure. The number you receive from the Mod via PM includes the Nightkills but excludes your own action. You get no information about the nature of the actions, nor the players who performed them or were targeted by them. Since you're not targeting certain players, no one will get any information about your action (eg. a Tracker investigating you gets a [he/she visited no one] message) – unless there's another Mystic in the game using their ability at the same Night. (In the latter case both the other Mystic and you will get a number including each others' action.)

An example for a (fictional) Pre-Game phase

This table shows an imaginary Pre-game phase with the names of the players, the Power Roles they went for, the player they voted for, the amount of votes they got, the Power Role they got, and the amount of shots they have. (The names are fictional, as far as I know there are no active players with these names.)

Player Name Chosen PR Pre-Game Vote Amount of Votes Obtained PR Amount of Shots
1 Androsynth RoleCop Ariloulaleelay 1 Town Rolecop 1
2 Ariloulaleelay Watcher Syreen 2 Vanilla Townie
3 Chmmr Jailkeeper Supox 0 Vanilla Townie
4 Ilwrath Commuter Mycon 0 Vanilla Townie
5 Melnorme Rolecop Syreen 1 Mafia Rolecop 1
6 Mycon Watcher Ariloulaleelay 1 Watcher 1
7 Orz Recharger Melnorme 0 Mafia Goon
8 Pkunk Commuter Syreen 0 Vanilla Townie
9 Slylandro Friendly Neighbour VUX 1 Town Friendly Neighbour 1
10 Supox Doctor Yehat 1 Town Doctor 1
11 Syreen Redirector VUX 3 Mafia Redirector 3
12 Umgah Watcher VUX 0 Vanilla Townie
13 VUX Jailkeeper Slylandro 3 Town Jailkeeper 3
14 Yehat Midnight Desperado Androsynth 1 Town Midnight Desperado 1

These players remained Vanilla Townies because they didn't get any Pre-Game Votes: Chmmr, Ilwrath, Pkunk, Umgah. Orz remained Mafia Goon for the same reason.

Ariloulaleelay didn't get a Power Role because Mycon went for the same PR and he got less votes. Mycon will be 1-Shot Watcher. Keep in mind that Umgah is ignored because he didn't get any votes at all.

Both Androsynth and Melnorme got Rolecop because both of them got the same amount of votes. Both of them are 1-Shot.

However, if Androsynth had voted for Umgah instead of Ariloulaleelay, noone would have gotten the Watcher PR because three players would have ended up with 1 votes.

Here's a PM of this imaginary game (for the player named VUX)

Congratulations, VUX, now you are a 3-Shot Jailkeeper.

Your abilities:

  • At 3 Nights of your choice may target a player who will be protected from one kill during that night. Also, your target will be unable to perform any (active) Night Actions during the same Night. You will not be informed whether you protected the player from a kill or about the (possible) Night Actions your target were to perform.