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Basic Bio

Known in Scumchat as The Wild Eep, and nicknames include Eepsies, Eep, Eepsieweepsies, and when she was Flanders in a scumchat game, Eepadiddlyo. Despite the fact she has made herself a practical regular on scumchat, Eletriar is still a newbie - the two games she is in have yet to finish. Eletriar is also known well for her tendency to lurk in the Mish-mash boards (and anywhere else in the forum). Hijinks of hers include not voting to hammer as scum (with four left) to confuse town, hammering herself for no reason, and even roleclaiming godfather. In scumchat, she is best with PR mafia.

A running injoke about Eep/Eletriar is a vague confusion as to her(his/its) gender; she counters this by saying that as a computer alert sound, she technically has none.

For those curious, or wanting any of the old Mac alert sounds, she is more than willing to send files, in either aiff or wav format.

Due to her connection depending upon the cooperation of various wireless networks, and her apple iBook Gilliam, Eletriar doesn't always have the most reliable internet connection. Don't worry; she steals it from her neighbors, anyway.

Eletriar/Eep is also an artist; her art website can be found here.

Other facts about Eep:

-- She will happily admit to loving Pokemon.
-- The two favorite roles she had in scumchat would be Q and Sparticus.

Mafia Games Played

(In order of newest to last)

  • Death Note Mafia
    Mod: Gorrad
    Role: TBA
    Game Progress: Day One

  • Mini 443
    Mod: TSQ
    Role: ---
    Game Progress: Finished...

  • Newbie 333
    Mod: Pinky
    Role: ---
    Game Progress: Finished.

    Mish Mash Games

    • Ferris Wheel + Machine Gun Survival!!! - fourth place
      (Viva la Ferris Syndacite!)