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Toomai/Played games

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PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 3
Newbie 1324
ChaosOmega < The Puck < Tempus Rimeblood Mafia Rolecop Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Master Mew Vanilla Townie Alive
nintend0pkf Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
Human Destroyer < lolguy26 Town Doctor Alive
FuDuzn < Phoenicks < ARTPOP Vanilla Townie Alive
Toomai Vanilla Townie Alive
Tochica < Xyria Town Jailkeeper Alive
Nobody Special Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
Nachomamma8 Vanilla Townie Alive
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 5
Newbie 1349: Bad Apples
Bulbazak Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 4
EddieFenix Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 5
camoclone < drshowtime Mafia Rolecop Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 4
Toomai Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 3
Norfolk Enchance Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
Tuberkulos < Hexe < RadiantCowbells Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Maestro Vanilla Townie Alive
fuzzybutternut Town Doctor Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Human Destroyer Town Cop Alive
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 7
Mini 1449 - Ordinary Town
GoodCopBadCop Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 5
hapahauli Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 3
Dyslexicon Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 6
Cheery Pie Town Doctor Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 5
Jake from Rainbowdash Town Tracker Alive
hp[leaves] Mafia Roleblocker Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
Antagon < Varsoon Vanilla Townie Alive
NicCage Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
ac1983fan Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Kuribo < Dessx < ɀefiend Town Compulsive Neighbourizer Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Scott Brosius Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 7
Daemon385 Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 4
Toomai Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 6
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 5
Mini 1464
Haschel Cedricson Town Backup Doctor Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 3
Toomai Vanilla Townie Alive
2birds1stone Town Tracker Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 4
Feel It Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 5
NicCage < mvmafia Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Smudger < Captain Corporal 1-Shot Bulletproof Serial Killer Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 4
N64Lord Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Monkeyman576 Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
RedCoyote < freshmaniscoolman < Zhero Vanilla Townie Alive
mnemonicdevice Town Doctor Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Daemon385 Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
Infinity 324 < pitoli Mafia Roleblocker Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 3
Mini 1491: WePick
JasonWazza Nexus Mason Endgamed PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 3
Guyett Town Vigilante Shot PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
The Purple Shoe Town Dayvig Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
Generic Town Day-[Jack Of All Trades] Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Pyrotechnics Vanilla Townie Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Kdub Mafia Mason Recruiter Alive
1baldeagle1 Vanilla Townie Shot PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Who Mafia Nightkill-Immune Miller Vig Alive
StubbsKVM Town Tracker Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
dopog Vanilla Townie Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
Architect of Thought Vanilla Townie Endgamed PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 3
TheIrishPope Mafia Traitor Shot PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
Toomai Town 2-Shot Bulletproof Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 6
Mini 1492: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
ChannelDelibird Fred Weasley, Hogwarts Townie Petrified PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Nachomamma8 < Syryana Lucius Malfoy, Death Eater Weasley-Lyncher-Traitor Weasley-Cop Alive
penguin_alien Arthur Weasley's Ford Anglia, Hogwarts Townie Stunned PhaseIcon(Night).png 5
fferyllt Basilisk, Death Eater Compulsive Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 5
Lucky2u < JasonWazza Argus Filch, Hogwarts Jack Of All Trades Endgamed PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 6
StubbsKVM Tom Riddle's Diary, Death Eater Jack Of All Trades Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Amrun Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 6
LnGrrrR Nearly Headless Nick, Hogwarts 1-Use Doctor Petrified PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
Toomai Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hogwarts Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
JacobSavage < MSG < oriole Penelope Clearwater, Hogwarts Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 4
F-16_Fighting_Falcon < Fegelein < T S O Professor Lockhart, Hogwarts Fruit Vendor Petrified PhaseIcon(Night).png 3
RachMarie Aragog, Hogwarts Tracker Petrified PhaseIcon(Night).png 4
Marquis < Squilly Ginny Weasley, Hogwarts Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
MC Maraca Mafia Goon Alive
Cephrir < Doctor Jekyll Town Vigilante Alive
Sakura Hana Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
sangres Mafia Encryptor Alive
JacobSavage Town Jack Of All Trades Alive
MVP Vanilla Townie Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
caledfwitch Vanilla Townie Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Guyett Vanilla Townie Alive
likeabauss Vanilla Townie Shot PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
orcinus_theoriginal < Rank Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Angry Frat BROs < Wake88 Mafia Doctor Alive
Hermy Vanilla Townie Alive
PeregrineV Vanilla Townie Alive
RadiantCowbells Vanilla Townie Alive
Toomai Innocent Child Alive
yessiree Vanilla Townie Alive
TheIrishPope Gunsmith Alive
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 8
NY 168: The Mod is Dead, Fire and Ice Edition
T S O Town Neighbourizer Burned PhaseIcon(Night).png 6
Bulbazak Vanilla Townie Alive
Aegor < NJAC < Antihero < Lawrencelot Fire Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 8
Matias Town Nurse Frozen PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
Desperado Fire Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 4
evilpacman18 Ice Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
penguin_alien < JKLM Town 1-Shot Ice Cop Shattered PhaseIcon(Night).png 4
OhGodMyLife Vanilla Townie Burned PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
mastin2 Vanilla Townie Burned PhaseIcon(Night).png 3
PeregrineV Vanilla Townie Alive
Garmr Ice Mafia Goon Modkilled PhaseIcon(Day).png 6
Zekrom25 < aptil Ice Mafia Goon Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 5
Maxous Fire Mafia Goon Frozen PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
YuniChikako Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
RachMarie < ArcAngel9 Vanilla Townie Burned PhaseIcon(Night).png 7
Slandaar Vanilla Townie Frozen PhaseIcon(Night).png 5
Yiley Town 1-Shot Fire Cop Burned PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
Toomai Town Doctor Burned PhaseIcon(Night).png 5
Dry-fit Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 6
NY 176: Completely Ridiculous Mafia
Bicephalous Bob Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 1
Toomai Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 3
MVP Town Even-Night Gunsmith Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 2
ika < Ki-Gi Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 4
Cephrir Mafia Goon Alive
Izariael Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 6
reinoe < Jimmy_Raynor Vanilla Townie Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 2
Depraved Justice Town Vigilante Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 1
Aegor Vanilla Townie Endgamed PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 6
scrambles < Aeronaut Town Gunsmith Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 3
Cabd Mafia Doctor Lynched PhaseIcon(Day).png 5
T S O Vanilla Townie Endgamed PhaseIcon(Twilight).png 6
Mirhawk Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 4
TheWayItEnds Vanilla Townie Killed PhaseIcon(Night).png 5
AngryPidgeon Mafia Goon Alive