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Telephone Pictionary: Chain Dance/Chain N

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Chain N: DeathRowKitty's Chain

DeathRowKitty - Phrase

My pet fish doesn't like being put on a leash, but my pet frog loves it!

Katyusha - Picture

Tello N1.png

Cheetory6 - Phrase

I always preferred walking the frog to walking the fish.

lalaladucks - Picture

Tello N2.jpg

Panzerjager - Phrase

it's way better to walk a frog than a fish

Haschel Cedricson - Picture

Tello N3.png

Errantparabola - Phrase

"Look, I really appreciate that you're walking all my pets -- it was good that my frog got some sunshine -- but can you not do that with my fish?"

McMenno - Picture

Tello N4.png

VashtaNeurotic - Phrase

A very rude man in sunglasses flips off a bystander while walking his three fish

schadd_ - Picture

Tello N5.jpg

GuyInFreezer - Phrase

A man with a pair of sunglasses and two kids and a pufferfish as pets flips the other man off

CaptainMeme - Picture

Tello N6.png

Who - Phrase

A father takes his pet skateboarding swimming sun for a walk with his children when he sees a disturbed onlooker, whom he flips off from the safety of the other side of the road.

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