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Telephone Pictionary: Business As Usual/Chain K

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Chain K: CheeryDog's Chain

CheeryDog - Phrase

The pair of pants fell off the hanger and happily jumped in the muddy puddle.

lilith2013 - Picture

Telbus K1.jpg

RadiantCowbells - Phrase

Coathanger used Sky Drop! Pants used Muddy Water!

Bellaphant - Picture

Telbus K2.png

Mina - Phrase

Wearing electric pants or standing in the rain with a coat hanger are excellent strategies for catching an electric type Pokemon.

caledfwitch - Picture

Telbus K3.png

Jopalopa - Phrase

A black Pokemon Trainer tries to stop the rain with a coat hanger.

DrippingGoofball - Picture

Telbus K4.jpg

Thestatusquo - Phrase

A green tapestry depicted a shadow of a man, his head surrounded by a giant coat hanger: as it rained all around him, he caught the drops in his goblet and no one knew why.

Aristophanes - Picture

Telbus K5.jpg

Marquis - Phrase

upon plucking the holy grail right out of the middle ages Clotheshanging Man soared back into the skies

Ether - Picture

Telbus K6.png

KittyMo - Phrase

Superman traveled to a medieval land and brought a greil and surprisingly modern clothing back as souvenirs.

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