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Night Specific

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Night 1
Alias: none
Role type: not defined
  • Night

Night Specific (or Night X) is a role modifier that enables a power role to act on specified Nights only. A role could be limited to one night only or a range of nights on which they can act. Typically this modifier is attached to roles as a method of weakening them, reducing the amount of times in a game they can use an action, similar to Even/Odd Night.

Normal version

This modifier is named as a single Night or list of Nights, e.g. "Night 1", "Night 2", "Night 1,4", "Night 3,4,5" are all variants of Night Specific.

When applied to an active role, the Night Specific modifier allows it to be used only during the listed Night phases.

When applied to a passive role, the Night Specific modifier causes that role to apply only during the listed Night phases.


Some variants of Night Specific are common enough to have their own names:

For roles that players will want to use immediately, 1-Shot is very close to Night 1 in effect (and 2-Shot to Night 1,2).

A variant named Day Specific applies to power roles that trigger during the Day (such as Diplomat and Innocent Child), limiting them to be only usable on specific Days.

Use & Balance

Night Specific roles are normally used to finetune the exact balance of a game. For roles that players will want to use immediately (like Cop), giving the player the ability to use it on Night 1 will be worth more than the ability to use it on Night 2, which will be worth more than the ability to use it on Night 3, etc.. This gives a lot of scope to tune a power role to the exact amount of strength you want.

The other common use for Night Specific is to avoid specific breaking combinations of Night actions; e.g. if you don't want two power roles targeting the same target in the early game, you can use Night Specific modifiers to, e.g., prevent one acting on Night 1 and the other acting on Night 2 (so that their first chance to act simultaneously will be Night 3). Of course, this will limit the power of the roles somewhat.

Play Advice

When your usage of a role is restricted by a list of Nights you can use it, rather than a total number of times you can use it, it is usually correct to use it every Night you can.

Weird schedules like "Night 1,3,4" are somewhat suspicious – it looks like a fakeclaim that wants to avoid needing to explain away the lack of an action on Night 2, and have a convenient use for not explaining it on Night 5. Despite this, it probably isn't a good idea to fullclaim early (as you would with other implausible or negative utility roles) unless the role being modified is unimportant.

Sample Role PMs

The standardized Role PM for "Night 1" describes the modifier as follows:

  • As a modifier on an active ability: Once in the game, on Night 1 only, (edit)
  • As a modifier on a passive ability: P2 during Night 1 (edit)

Example (modifying an active ability)

Welcome to game! You are a Town Night 1 Jailkeeper.

You have the following active ability:

  • Once in the game, on Night 1 only, you may target a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will be protected from kills that night, but all their actions will be blocked that night.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Confirm by replying to this PM with a summary of your role.

Example (modifying a passive ability)

Welcome to game! You are a Night 1 Bulletproof Townie.

You are protected from kills that target you during Night 1.

You have no active abilities.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Confirm by replying to this PM with a summary of your role.