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Option 1:
Name: Th'okaris
Player: mith
Race: Slith
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 203 lb.
Skin: Forest Green
Eyes: Yellow
Description: Th'okaris is quick and atheletic, as well as strong (but not obviously so). He generally wears a loose brown robe, which covers up strange tattooing on his upper arms (see history).
||HEART||| MIND||| BODY||| SPIRIT|| || 0 ||| 0 ||| 0 ||| 0 ||
||HEART||| MIND||| BODY||| SPIRIT|| || 2 Empathy ||| 4 Acuity||| 7 Strength ||| 4 Power || || 0 Charisma||| 6 Reason||| 9 Coordination||| 6 Purpose||
0 Status
-1 Reputation
1 Wealth
1 Karma
HEART Skills
- 2 Intuition (Empathy)
MIND Skills
- 1 Command (Acuity)
BODY Skills
- 4 Knives&Daggers (Coordination)
- 4 Unarmed Combat (Stength)
- 1 Swimming (Stength)
- 1 Stealth (Coordination)
- 2 Focus (Purpose)
- 2 Willpower (Purpose)
Raised in a small Slith community just outside Amstaad proper, Th'okaris was noticed at an early age for his quick mind and quicker body. At [the age of adulthood for a Slith] he was selected to join an elite school for [Slith martial arts]. However, his temper and lack of interpersonal skills got the better of him, and he soon found himself at odds with the masters of the school.
Th'okaris has retained bits of what he learned there, but has modified it to his own purposes the past few years wandering, doing odd jobs. In his wandering, he obtained a strange tattooing on his left arm, to compliment the school's mark on his right, though he has never told anyone its meaning. He has recently returned to Amstaad, looking for adventure...
Option 2:
Name: Syr'riwla
Player: mith
Race: Aerin
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lb.
Skin: Black
Eyes: Grey
Description: A shy, lithe Aerin, Syr'riwla is not particularly strong, but makes up for that with intelligence, kindness, and a bit of magic. Her feathers are jet black, with a few random white stripes.
||HEART||| MIND||| BODY||| SPIRIT|| || 0 ||| 0 ||| 0 ||| 0 ||
||HEART||| MIND||| BODY||| SPIRIT|| || 5 Empathy ||| 7 Acuity||| 2 Strength ||| 6 Power || || 2 Charisma||| 7 Reason||| 3 Coordination||| 4 Purpose|| || ||| ||| +1 when Flying||| ||
-1 Status
0 Reputation
1 Wealth
3 Karma
HEART Skills
- 2 Animal Handling (Empathy)
- 4 Intuition (Empathy)
- 1 Entertain (Storytelling) (Empathy)
MIND Skills
- 4 Knowledge:Magick (Reason)
- 1 Observation (Acuity)
BODY Skills
- 2 Archery (Coordination)
- 4 Sorcery (Power)
Syr'riwla was born to a lower class Aerin agricultural family, in the hills a few miles from Amstaad. She lacks the formal education and training that status would bring, but has made up for it on her own, reading everything she can get her talons(?) on.
While her status has been a hinderance, she as obtained a reasonable sum of money through hard work, and a bit of luck.