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Multiple User Personality

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Multiple User Personality
  • MUP
Alignment: any
Role type:
  • Unpowered
  • Night

A Multiple User Personality is a role that can target a player at night and randomly do a one-shot night abilities to its target. The role is very similar to a Jack-of-All-Trades except that a JOAT can decide which of their actions they do to the target while the MUP does not get to pick which one is done. Sometimes the moderator will have a set order that the MUP's actions occur in rather than any one at any one time. The one shot abilities the role has access to are typically abilities centered around investigating, protecting and killing. Each ability can only be done once. So as you use your powers, your overall randomness decreases and you will be more easily able to discern what you just did and what you will do with your future shots.

The "standard" MUP is a one-shot Cop, one-shot Doctor, one-shot Vig, and one-shot Nothing.

This role has been seen as both Town and Mafia.


The variations for MUP are as extensive as a given moderator's imagination.

Normal Guidelines

To be remotely considered Normal this role would need all of its one-shot component abilities to also be Normal BUT due to the Randomness of role, it is currently not being viewed as Normal.

It is up to a moderator's discretion whether a MUP will flip with all their abilities shown or not, but it needs to be decided during game review process.

Use and Power

MUPs can be alot of fun or very annoying for the user pending on how well they can anticipate their next action based on what they have done so far. If the mod is randomly throwing dice, the setup will have some swing. But if the MOD has a set order that the actions are going to be performed in the role can be an interesting balancing tool as each ability has a definitive limit to how many investigations, protections, etc, that the MUP will be able to perform. But be careful the role still concentrates the effects of many power roles into the hands of only one player, who may die early or be ineffective with the power roles in general. This roles variety and randomness are rather appealing in setups.

The power of a MUP is a function of how strong its individual abilities are.

Play Advice

Each ability can only be done once. So as you use your powers, your overall randomness decreases and you will be more easily able to discern what you just did and what you will do with your future shots. If the person you targeted last night is now dead, you used your kill ability and did not use your protect ability. You should not be able to kill anyone else during the rest of the game. If you just learned someone was innocent then you just used your inspect ability and can't use it the rest of the game. If no one died last night, your target may have been killed and you protected them. If someone else dies and your target is fine and you get no result than you either did nothing or needlessly protected your target. The role may be random, but you can usually POE to what you did and what you can still do.