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Commonly Used Abbreviations

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This is a list of the abbreviations of game-related terms that are commonly used in games played on The contents of this page are meant to be relevant to the current meta-game, and a full list of abbreviations and depreciated terms can be found on this page. Well-known internet slang is not covered in this article, but can be referenced here.

If you can't find what you are looking for on this page, try the Glossary.

Common Abbreviations

  • AI: Alignment-Indicative.
  • AtE: Appeal to Emotion.
  • BoP: Burden of Proficiency.
  • CC: Counterclaim, a claim in response to a claim.
  • E-1: Elimination minus one. This either refers to the second-to-last vote before an elimination is obtained, or a state where a player only needs one more vote to be eliminated.
  • E-#: Elimination - number, The number indicates how many votes a player needs to be eliminated. Eg, in a 9 player game, a player with 3 votes on them is at E-2 (5-3).
  • EBWOP: Edit By Way Of (Double) Post. Because actual editing of posts in mafia games is forbidden in most games, the only way to "edit" a post which contains an error is to make another post containing the correction.
  • ELo: Eliminate-or-Lose. This is a stage in the game where the town must eliminate scum or they will lose the game.
  • F-3: Final 3, a stage in the game where there are two townies and one scum left. A three player ELo.
  • FMPOV or FYPOV: From My (or Your) Point Of View.
  • FoS: Finger of Suspicion. Used to indicate that you find someone suspicious but are not going to vote them, for whatever reason (often because you are voting for someone even more suspicious).
  • GTH: Gun To Head. Usually prefaces a statement containing absolute certainty by the speaker. Can also be a helpful or threatening question to prompt a response containing certainty.
  • IC: Two possible meanings: a) Inexperience Challenged. Refers to the former "teaching" position in Newbie Games. b) Innocent Child, a Town-aligned role that has the power to prove itself as town.
  • IIoA: Information Instead of Analysis.
  • ISO: Isolation. Usually refers to reading a player's posts in isolation. You can view one person's posts "in Isolation" by using the "Display posts from previous" drop down boxes at the bottom of every page.
  • LAMIST: Look at me, I'm so town.
  • LHF: Low hanging fruit. Usually refers to a player that is easy to eliminate.
  • LiLo: Lim or Lose.
  • Lim: Elimination, or eliminate.
  • ME: Miselimination.
  • MeLo: Miselimimate and Lose. A stage in the game where the town can no-eliminate safely. However, should they miseliminate instead, it is likely one of the town will die the next night, resulting in a scum victory.
  • MiLo: Mislim and Lose.
  • Mislim: Miselimination.
  • Misrep: Misrepresentation.
  • NAI: Non-Alignment-Indicative, or null.
  • NE: No Elimination, when no majority on a player is reached, or when a majority of players vote to not have anyone eliminated.
  • NK: Night Kill, specifically the scum's factional kill.
  • NKA: Night Kill Analysis.
  • OMGUS: Oh My God You Suck. While occasionally used on its own as an insult, it's usually used as an inferred reasoning for purely retaliatory actions. For instance, an OMGUS vote on someone is one made purely on the basis that they are voting for you.
  • PbP: Play by Play. An analysis of a series of posts.
  • PbPA: Post by Post Analysis. This is a detailed analysis of (usually one player's) posts.
  • PE: Policy Elimination.
  • PEdit: Preview Edit.
  • PoE: Process of Elimination.
  • PR: Power Role or Post Restriction, depending on context.
  • RQS: Random Questioning Stage, an alternative to the Random Voting Stage for starting a game of Mafia. This has one player posing either a survey to all players or a separate question to each player.
  • RVS: Random Voting Stage. Most Mafia games start with a phase wherein people vote for silly reasons, until someone slips up or makes a legitimate accusation.
  • SE: Semi-experienced. This refers to nominally experienced players with no extra responsibility in Newbie games. Alternatively, The Speakeasy, a private General Discussion subforum.
  • sus(s): Suspicious.
  • SR: Scum Read.
  • Towncred: Town credibility or a fictional currency or value of credit. A Goofballism.
  • TR: Town Read.
  • V/LA: Vacation/Limited Access. A catch-all term for "unavailable due to MeatWorld constraints".
  • VCA: Vote Count Analysis.
  • VI: Village Idiot. Not to be confused with the player Vi.
  • VT: Vanilla Townie, a town-aligned player with no special abilities.
  • WIFOM: Wine in Front of Me.
  • WKing: White Knighting. Aggressively defending another player, implied to be town. Similar to Buddying.
  • XLo: Refers to both Miselimimate and Lose and Eliminate or Lose where the distinction isn't important