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Modded Games

Games Modded

Game Name Type Outcome Comments
Mini 1757 - Mini Normal Town Win Day 6 One of the scum trolled excessively D1 which got him turbolynched. The rest of the scum managed to fly under the radar somewhat, but with the lack of PR kills and a replacement which became obvscum quickly, town managed to generate many clears for an autowin scenario
Micro 613 Setup uMake Micro Theme Town Win Day 1 No, intentionally unbalanced setups don't work
Micro 629 The Arena Micro Open Mafia win Day 7 Nightless game but with a scumsided mechanic. Scum had a powerful member and won.
Micro 668 Birds of Paradise Normal Micro Mafia win Day 3 Near deadline town suddenly flashwagoned their strong PR, who refused to claim and thus got lynched. It was a downward spiral after that.
Micro 812 The Arena II Micro Open Mafia win Day 7 Seeing the success of the first game, I decided to run it again, but unfortunately it wasn't very successful this time as it turned into a lurkfest. Scum won again.
Micro 827 The Team Odds Micro Open Mafia win Day 4 This is a vanilla game where different pairs of players had different chances of being scum. Town had good reads overall, but the scumsided nature of the setup plus the lynchbait nature of RC led to a town loss.

Games planning to Mod

Neighbourhood Mafia: Every two people have a PT with each other. Unsure if running this as a Micro or a Mini Theme. Ranger is going to host much better version of this idea, so won't be modding this.

The Arena: 2v7 Nightless Mountainous Nightless. First day is normal lynching. Every "Night", the Mafia compulsively choose one person to turn into a gladiator (may choose themselves). The gladiator has to choose someone else before day starts. The gladiator and his target are the only votable people that Day. Done: Micro 629

This setup as a Micro.boring (others welcome to host this if they want) I'm bringing this back, but combining it with another mechanic.

Six letter words- Everyone may post only words that are exactly six letters long. Too little interest

Turn Order Mafia -> Maybe?