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This page is intended to have the full game list until I cant be bothered updating it.

Completed Games

 1 Newbie 1505 From start: Vanilla Town: Loss  (endgamed/whitewashed)
   Description: Lots of Walls. Roof fell down anyway, town lost... again.
 2 Primary Mafia From Start: Vanilla Town Loss. NK'd N1. Scum drove the bus D1 and then NKd me, and rode the cred to victory. With no one wondering why the D1 scum lynch driver was still alive and no longer hyped to play :/. Tips hat to scum for managing/trying that. 
 3  Twin Trap GameThread From Start: My flip NKd N1.  Vanilla Town won D2.
 4  Masquerade Flip  Replaced in D1 (into a vacant slot): (game looked interesting.. oops it was MB :( ) NK'd N4 (nkd by TSO.). Vanilla Town Loss. Boooo.
 5  Jasbberwocky Flip Vigged n1(Boooo.) Scum loss (stomped)
 6  Newbie 1593 Flip 3 man D4 LYLO'd n1(Phew.) Scum Win (squeeked)

Ongoing and pending Games

Look maybe but dont touch.

#game link pending Mini normal 1707 (Frogger)