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Acolytes of UberNinja

From MafiaWiki
Revision as of 22:19, 9 April 2013 by Mastin2 (talk | contribs) (I'll add in diginova once they change their avatar.)
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...spake His Ninjaness on this, the 8th of Aprinja, in the First Year of His Glorious reign.

He continued thusly:

"It has come to my attention that my followers need some place to congregate. Post here if you think Ninjas are better than Flowchartians. Or if you love Ninjas."

And so our Great Lord UberNinja made his first remarks against the Order of the Flowchart, sparking a heated but very brief struggle between the esteemed Cults of When Mastermind and Lord of the Order of the Flowchart Majiffy capitulated to His Ninjaness, the great unrest was swiftly ended, with the Cults forever linked in fellowship and devotion to their respective leaders.


- Maestro, Lieutenant and Second in Command to His Ninjaness, whose Culting was achieved long before the First Year

- izakthegoomba, High Warlord of the Northern Armies, whose service brings justice to those who would seek to topple His Ninjaness's influnce in faraway realms

- DrippingGoofball, Head Recruiter and Chief Instigator of Mayhem, whose Culting began the first wave of newcomers during the First Year

- JacobSavage

- GuyInFreezer

- BBmolla

- Rhinox

- Om of the Nom

- Guy_Named_Riggs

- Majiffy, Mastermind and Lord of the Flowchartians, whose Culting brought lasting peace and unification between the Cults

- Human Destroyer, Just Vanquisher of All Creatures Human and Otherwise

- Antagon

- saulres

- Ser Arthur Dayne

- N

- RichardGHP, Summary District Godfather of all the Little Adopted Rainbow Children, an usurper and pretender to tertiary power within the Acolytes

- kuribo, Chief Morale Officer (CMO), Defenestrator of Defectors and Welcomer of Warm-blooded Newbies, whose Culting brought lasting guffaws and such from his fellows and who habitually provides fabricated threats of revolution to keep the Acolytes alert and prepared

- Cheery Dog

- Kublai Khan

- Maruchan

- BeautyandtheBeast

- gorckat

- borkjerfkin

- d3x

- pirate mollie

- Superdeclan

- Bacde, cool dude who is almost, but not entirely, similar to the other Acolytes

- Korts, "President or Chairman or Chief Counsel or something", whose Culting brought the first signs of the Acolytes' infiltration of the higher ranks of MafiaScum

- mastin2

- AngryPidgeon

- JasonWazza

- MS Marangal

- Tazaro


- T-Bone, Kinda Bitchy, "lone" carrier of the mantle of towniness