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- This is a self-written entry by mathcam. Anyone may feel free to comment or edit.
Quick Bio
mathcam is a prolific Mafia player known best perhaps for his tendency not to fact-check before making ridiculous statements, a tendency that is well-encapsulated in his title, "Captain Observant." With [pre-crash and post-crash posts altogether, he has made over 5,000 posts on He is a List Mod, and is ostensibly in charge of updating the main list of games in the queue thread. His username is a reference to the Pacman-like character "Math Man" on Square One Television from PBS (combined with his real-life name, Cam).
MathCam's official "join date" was Nov 22, 2002, though his actual join date was a couple of weeks earlier. His original sign-up was lost in the crash.
MathCam won the 2003 Scummy for "Most Prolific Player." Here is CubanSmoker's announcement:
"Our last award of the night, and debatably, the most important. This is an online community, fueled entirely by content. This content comes from one place, our users. Post or Perish? I choose post. And so does our posterboy: mathcam!"
In addition, MathCam was nominated for "Best Role Claim" for his claim of a country from diplomacy in Antrax' Mixed Theme Mafia, "The Kenny Award" (most likely to die night 1), "Best Performance" for Mini 47 (MeMe's No Frills mafia), and "The Coffee on the Monitor Award" (funniest player). Finally, mathcam won the 2004 Scummy for "Best Inexperienced-Challenged Player" for his participation in Newbie games.
Below is an often-out-of-date list (last update: June 26, 2005) of all MafiaScum roles in which MathCam has participated, either as player or moderator. Multiple entries may be listed for the same game if MathCam reappeared as a replacement after his initial death.
This information is probably out of date, and needs to be edited by someone who knows what has happened since 2005. |
Games Played (100 roles received)
ROAD TO ROME (15 games)
Newbie Mafia 121 Moderator: NanookTheWolf Role: ?
Newbie Mafia 110 Moderator: big_kahunia Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 105 Moderator: Pinky Role: Mafia
Newbie Mafia 94 Moderator: meaning of life 42 Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 83 Moderator: Mastermind of Sin Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 82 Moderator: halo freak Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 73 Moderator: willows_weep Role: Doc
Newbie Mafia 68 Moderator: Talitha Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 64 Moderator: Quagmire Role: Cop
Newbie Mafia 58 Moderator: Norinel Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 37 Moderator: MeMe Role: Mafia (w/ MetroidHunter)
Newbie Mafia 30 Moderator: Kerplunk Role: Cop
Newbie Mafia 24 Moderator: Morpheus Role: Doc
Newbie Mafia 21 Moderator: CaptainBlicero Role: Mafia (w/ BlueSin)
Newbie Mafia 17 Moderator: Yoko Kurama Role: Mafia (w/ Stimpy)
Newbie Mafia 13 Moderator: Dragon Phoenix Role: Townie
Newbie Mafia 7 Moderator: CaptainBlicero Role: Cop