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Telephone Pictionary: Asynchronous Transfer Mode/Chain B
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Chain B: StrangerCoug's Chain
StrangerCoug - Phrase
- Ozy and Millie get expelled from North Harbordale Elementary School.
xRECKONERx - Picture
Scigatt - Phrase
- The top-hatted cat and the terrified pig rode out of the house on giant flying arrows.
Empking - Picture
saulres - Phrase
- The pig was shot out of the high tower on its arrow, followed by the cat in a hat on its own arrow.
saporovirus - Picture
izakthegoomba - Phrase
- A kidnapped princess must seek rescue by any means possible - for example, she may shave her head and fire arrows ridden by various farm animals.
Nexus - Picture
sword_of_omens - Phrase
- the sad lonely princess used her own hair to make a bow and arrow so she could hunt cows, ducks , and pink lizards
PiggyGal15 - Picture
xtopherusD - Phrase
- I shoot what I want: cows, purple lizards, orange birdplanes; I'm a princess!
Drench - Picture
Tierce - Phrase
- A queen with a gun is allowed to kill a purple lizard, a yellow bird and a cow.