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Telephone Pictionary: Asynchronous Transfer Mode/Chain C

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Chain C: Scigatt's Chain

Scigatt - Phrase

I never wanted to be a cloudmaster.

saulres - Picture

Telnet C1.jpg

xRECKONERx - Phrase

"I don't wanna be a cop or firemen, I want to fish in the clouds all day"

xtopherusD - Picture

Telnet C2.png

Nexus - Phrase

The man doesn't want to be a policeman, he doesn't want to be a fireman, all he wants to do is sit on a cloud and fish.

Om of the Nom - Picture

Telnet C3.png

Greymantleish - Phrase

Why protect the community when you can fish at the edge of a cloud?

Tierce - Picture

Telnet C4.jpg

Xalxe - Phrase

Ignoring the call of his city, Batman decides to go fishing on a cloud.

StrangerCoug - Picture

Telnet C5.png

Drench - Phrase

Batman fished in the clouds, sailing high above the moonlit crowd of urban fistpumpers.

Empking - Picture

Telnet C6.png

TurtleFail - Phrase

Batman steered an invisible Batmobile across the zebra crossing towards the moon while the people watched and waved.

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