This page is getting big. I feel like I should split it up into separate pages a bit, but I can't be bothered right now.
Win rates
1-4-0 (Total - 20%)
1-4-0 (Town - 20%)
0-0-0 (Mafia - 0%)
0-0-0 (Anything Else - 0%)
Completed Games
(asterisk signifies game won)
Ongoing Games
(asterisk signifies still living)
Road to Rome (Newbie Games)
Newbie 1272
Full details of this game have been moved to N/games/newbie#Newbie 1272
Newbie 1278
Newbie 1286
Newbie 1288
Newbie 1295
Central Park (Open Games)
Open 450
Northern Forest Archipelago (Micro Games)
Micro 4
Full details of this game have been moved to N/games/micro#Micro 4
Micro 18
Full details of this game have been moved to N/games/micro#Micro 18
Micro 24: Whose Tit is Tat
Full details of this game have been moved to N/games/micro#Micro 24
Micro 50
Little Italy (Mini Normal Games)
Mini 1372
Coney Island (Mini Theme Games)
Mini 1383: xudeR aifaM esreveR
New York (Large Normal Games)
Theme Park (Large Theme Games)
Judge, Jury and Executioner
Full details of this game have been moved to N/games/large theme#Judge, Jury and Executioner
Mafia in La-La Land
Political Corruption Mafia
Discworld Mafia