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Erm...I guess this is my wiki page, so I'll just link what games I've finished.

Games Played

Newbie 1060

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Equinox/Robocopter Town Vanilla Started Killed Night 3 Town win
My first ever game of mafia here and in my life, modded by the awesome Equinox. Though I was lynched NKed N2, nearly everyone there (except SnowJorden) played very well, and I got my first ever win and Town win.

Newbie 1064

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Parama/none Scum Goon replaced Lynched Day 3 Town win
My first scum game, replacing in N1 as scum. This didn't go as well, with my scumpartner not really being there, and a strong town pretty much mopping up the game. My first loss and loss as scum.

Newbie 1059

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie AGar/none Scum Goon replaced Survived Scum win
My second scum game, replacing in D3 as scum. Despite being the lead in for the lynch if the other potential (krypt, who was also scum), I gained instant cred by bussing my partner, and making Yabba lynch Drdolittle in Lylo to pick up my first scum victory.

Newbie 1097

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Tasky/jmj3000 Scum Goon replaced Survived Perfect Scum win
Third scumgame, and I did NOT enjoy this one. Noobtown that quickhammered TWICE in a row, and then I quickhammered him on Lylo. Perhaps calling him a dumbass was a bit too far, but I was pretty ticked at how he acted with those two quickhammers at the time. Still a perfect scum win.

Newbie 1079

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Equinox/none Town Vanilla replaced Lynched Day 4 Scum win
2nd town game. I replaced into a really bad position, and arguably didn't do much beyond survive to Lylo, where my predecessor really dragged me down in convicing others. I admit that I had effectively abandoned the game because I seriously didn't see how I could've brought myself back, though I did feel slightly suspicious of Grey near the end there, and I feel proud of that. Second town loss.

Mini 1137: Long Overdue Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Normal Rhinox/none Town 1-shot Neighborizer Started Lynched Day 1 Scum win
3rd Town game, and 1st with a power role (1-shot neighborizer). I guess D1 speaks for itself because I didn't live beyond it. Second town loss. Though, messing up my claim and overreacting to Pappums helped get me lynched.

Newbie 1075

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie drmyshottyizsik/none Town Vanilla Started Lynched Day 2 Scum win
4th town game. Kinda sucked, really. Didn't help that AGar and Ironhead flip-flopped being scum all of D3. Third town loss.

Newbie 1101

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie el simo/none Town Vanilla Started endgamed Scum win
5th town game, 1st newbie with a PR, and 2nd game with a PR. By far my best town game yet, and scum had a REALLY good player in Sanchocolates. The scum really deserve this win, that's for sure. Fourth town loss.

Newbie 1111

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie sotty7/none Town Vanilla Started killed night 3 Scum win
6th town game, 1st game as an IC. The first scumteam kinda flailed and was getting suspicious prior to Jason replacing in, but Ellf (the other scum) was still not playing a good scumgame. I'm pretty sure they're just lucky that Jake didn't go after Ellf so they could QL to a town loss. Fifth town loss.

Color Concentration Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme seacore/none scum Goon Started Lynched Day 1 Perfect Town win
4th scum game, first one played from the start. This one was also pretty bad. I got QLed TOO quickly, another of my scumteam effectively killed himself, another got bussed by his partner, and that final one got Hoisted by His Own Petard by NKing a yellow. Even the mod wasn't pleased with this one. Second scum loss

Artemis Fowl Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Nexus/none scum Goon Replaced In Lynched Day 3 Scum Win
5th scum game, also replaced. To be honest, I didn't get to do much because the people still alive had already decided my slot was scummy, but we were mainly saved by dumb luck in cross-NKs and because they had written Bob off as town from an early reread and hadn't bothered to reconsider. A win is a win, however. Third scum win

Newbie 1117

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie dymyshottyisik/none scum Goon Replaced In Lynched Day 4 Town Win
6th scum game, also replaced. I actually did pretty good here, managing to last until Lylo. Sadly, thanks to my partner NOT telling me whether or not his rolecop ability went through allowed me to actually play to win since I wasn't sure if we had a JK and Cop or just a JK. 3rd scum loss

Marketplace Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Magua/none Town Vanilla Replaced In endgamed Serial Killer (3rd Party) Win
7th town game, replaced. I honestly didn't do much this game, though that probably has more to do with riding on 3 straight scum lynches and kills. Grey plays too damn well to be caught, I tell you -_- (he was a 3rd party). I'M TELLING YOU, I WILL ALWAYS BE PARANOID ABOUT YOU IN A GAME UNLESS WE'RE SCUMBUDS OR I CONFIRM YOU! 6TH town loss, and 1st loss to a 3rd party.

Ender's Game Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Colonel Graff/none Town Cop Played from Start Survived Town Win
8th town game, played from the start. 3rd time with a PR, too. My play was kinda bad at the beginning, but by the end it didn't matter since we were golden. Sucks that no one ever gave the Mafia QT, though. 2nd town win! (and I still don't understand why I wasn't shot)

Impershable Night Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Dramonic/none Town Jack of All Trades Played from Start Lynched Day 3 5th Party (or something) Win
9th town game, played from start, 4th time as a PR. This game was over too damn quick, with QL's D1 and D2...and then we get screwed over by unseen 5TH parties or something. Not to mention that I personally disike the PRs given for each character because most of them do NOT go well with the character in question. 7th town loss, and 2nd loss to a 3rd party.

Bedtime Stories Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Normal GreyICE/none scum Encryptor Played from Start Lynched Day 1 Town Win
7th scum game, played from the start. Long-ass day (4th-longest day, I think), and three failed hammers (one desgined by us, the other two...not so much). In fact, if Grey had counted my hammer of Nexuc, this entire game would've changed. As it stands, Elli himself stated that if I had lived, this game would've gone differently, and we very well could've won. 4th scum loss.

Newbie 1155

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Equinox/none scum Goon replaced in Lynched Day 4 Town Win
8th scum game, replaced into. Funny thing is, I didn't even know I had just bussed my partner until after he flipped and I re-read my role PM. All in all though, most of the players think this was a great game from me, and we all can agree that my decision to no-kill N2 is what broke the game for me. I will admit this was one of my best scumgames, though. 5th scum loss.

Newbie 1159

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Equinox/none Town Vanilla Played from start Lynched Day 4 Scum Win
8th town loss.

Auction Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme thestatusquo/none Town Vanilla Played from start Abandoned Abandoned
Abandoned due to the mod leaving. Hmph.

Newbie 1167

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Charlie/none Town Vanilla Played from start endgamed scum win
needs reread. 9th town loss.

Double Vote Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme ThAdmiral/none Scum Goon Replaced in Survived Scum Win
Won in a fairly close Lylo, though the last bits of the game were lost in the reset. I also didn't know Nintendoaddict was my partner upon replacing in because I didn't look, but that helped more than it hurt. 4th scum win.

Open 363: C9++

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Quaroath/none Scum Godfather Played from start Killed Night 1 Serial Killer (3rd party) Win
Got killed N1 by the SK, largely because he figured I was scum. Tajun did play rather well as an SK, though. 10TH town loss and 3rd loss to a 3rd party.

Newbie 1198

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Equinox/none Town Vanilla Replaced In Lynched day 4 Scum win
I wish Zenatsu hadn't voted me right off the bat (or I had told him not to vote). I wouldn't have voted him after that post, but alas. 11th town loss.

Open 360: Fire and Ice Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Mist6767-Nobody Special Town Vanilla Replaced In endgamed Scum win
You sly dog, Korlash. I also regret not pushing for Viscera's lynch more. 12th town loss.

Open 394: Double Day Unlimited

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Scott Brosius Town Vanilla Played from Start survived Town win
CES's playstyle is effective, but honestly hard for me to read. At least he was able to pull us through. 4th town win.

Played Game Records


Faction Games played as Games abandoned Draws
Town 15 1 0
Scum 11 0 0
3rd Party 0 0 0
Total 26 1 0

Town Win/Loss Record

wins losses to scum losses to 3rd party Perfect wins no winner
3 8 3 0 1

Scum Win/Loss Record

wins losses to town losses to 3rd party Perfect wins no winner
4 7 0 1 0

3rd Party Win/Loss Record

wins losses to town losses to 3rd party Perfect wins (excludes single-team/SK wins) no winner
0 0 0 0 0

Modded Games

Mini 1248: A Newb's First Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Normal Me -Rayfrost Mod N/A N/A N/A Town win
First ever modded game. Wish my mistake on the last day didn't affect things. *sigh*. I did enjoy writing the flavor, though.

newbie 1194

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Normal Me - Equinox Mod N/A N/A N/A Town win
First ever modded Newbie game. Currently lost in the reset and hasn't been found yet.

newbie 1230

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Jackal711/Me Backup Mod N/A N/A N/A Town win
First game I've backup modded. yvonne really threw people for a loop with his sudden switch to Nacho, which kinda ended the game as scum were sent reeling.

Mini 1310: I got my eye on You Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Newbie Me Backup Mod N/A N/A N/A Town win
Not talking about this. Only for the sake of keeping this updated. Also notable for probably being one of the last (if not the last) post-reset restarted games to finish.

Modded Game Records

Main Mod W/L record

Faction wins Draws
Town 3 0
Scum 0 0
3rd Party 0 0

Backup Mod W/L record

Faction wins Draws
Town 1 0
Scum 0 0
3rd Party 0 0


All of my town wins are from games that I played from start to finish (Newbie 1060, Ender's Game mafia, and Double Day Unlimited). Thus, every game I've replaced into as town I've never won.

with the exception of two games (Newbie 1064 and 1155), every scumgame I've replaced into I've won.

None of the scumgames I've started from the beginning I've won.

So far, all the games I've modded have been town wins.