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False Roles are roles that claim to have some ability, but the ability does nothing. Depending on what the role is, the player can target someone, but it won't have an effect aside from showing up to roles like Trackers.
For reasons that should be obvious, false roles are never listed as such.
Win Conditions cannot and should not be false.
Some moderators will not even consider who a player with a false role targets. If a false Tracker targets someone, the moderator will simply disregard it.
False Inventor is a variant that is actually an Inventor, but its Inventions do nothing. Some moderators have even taken this concept to mean an Inventor who gives Inventions that claim to do something, but actually do something else (usually much worse).
Use and Power
There is essentially no argument that False roles are firmly in the realm of bastard modding.
Obviously false roles are less powerful than real ones, but they also have a nasty tendency to get their bearers lynched via Lynch All Liars.
- False 1-Shot Vigilante is simply a Vanilla Townie.
- False Mafia Roleblocker is simply a Mafia Goon.
- False Lyncher is a Lyncher with no existing target...!?