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Modding Requirements

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First, this does not apply to any site except If you are on a different site, abide by their policies.

General Requirements

All experience requirements can be satisfied on,,, or another site approved by mith (which generally means he introduced Mafia there, or they play it the same way mafiascum does).

You need to play one game on mafiascum and have been around mafiascum for three months before signing up to mod any game, regardless of prior experience.

Until they have successfully modded two completed games, moderators may run only one game at a time. Afterward, they may run two concurrently. Mods who desire to run three or more games simultaneously must apply to mith (see "Special Games" below).

As modding Newbie games is considered a public service, Newbie games are completely outside the system, both for the limit on games you can mod at a time and satisfying "experience" requirements.

Requirement Summary

Game TypeLocationTime on SitePlayed GamesModerated GamesOther
OpenCentral Park3 months1 completednoneLimited to one game or mod queue position between the Open/Mini lists
Mini NormalItaly Little Italy3 months1 completednoneLimited to one game or mod queue position between the Open/Mini lists
Mini ThemeConey Island3 months1 completed1 completedLimited to one game or mod queue position between the Open/Mini lists
NewbieThe Road to Rome3 months1 completed1 completedMust have a good overall record of moderation; first-time Newbie Game moderators are required to have a back-up moderator
Large NormalNew York3 months1 completed1 completedMust also appoint a qualified backup mod before signups begin
Large ThemeTheme Park3 months1 completed2 completedGame approval required; backup or co-mod required
Special GameVaries3 months1 completed5 completedApproval by mith required
  • Queue Moderators can be found here.

Open Game Requirements

Open games require only the basic three-month tenure and one game played. There are usually two Open games taking signups at any given time; the List Moderator will notify you when you are near the top of the list to mod. The game you moderate will be assigned to you by the list mod.

Note that this queue counts as a "Mini" queue in that you may only mod or be in line to mod one Mini at a time. The other two Mini queues are Mini Normal and Mini Theme.

Note that very small games such as 5P Vengeful may not count as modding experience. If this turns out to be the case, you will be informed ahead of time.

Mini Normal Requirements

Mini Normal games games require only the basic three-month tenure and one game played. There is one Mini Normal game taking signups at any given time; the List Moderator will notify you if you are near the top of the list. In order to be cleared to mod, your game must be reviewed to ensure it fits Normal rules (you may also request a balance review as well).

Note that this queue counts as a "Mini" queue in that you may only mod or be in line to mod one Mini at a time. The other two Mini queues are Open and Mini Theme.

Mini Theme Requirements

Mini Theme games require you to have been onsite for three months and played in one game. In addition, you must show that you have modded one game on, or PM mith to allow you to use a body of work offsite as a substitute for that experience. There are two Mini Themes taking signups at any given time; the List Moderator will notify you if you are near the top of the list.

Note that this queue counts as a "Mini" queue in that you may only mod or be in line to mod one Mini at a time. The other two Mini queues are Open and Mini Normal.

Newbie Game Requirements

Newbie games are heavily controlled by the List Moderator. In order to apply to be a Newbie mod, you must have completed the usual tenure and must have played and modded a game on this site.

First-time Newbie mods must send the List Mod links to their completed games to verify that they satisfy the experience requirements; if only one link is sent, it will be assumed that you are a first-time Newbie moderator. First-time Newbie moderators may only mod one Newbie game at a time, and are required to have a backup moderator who has run at least two games successfully. When you reach the top of the modding queue, you will be notified and assigned a player list. The setup and ruleset for Newbie games is very controlled; make sure you know what is permitted.

After satisfactorily modding a Newbie game, they may mod multiple Newbie games concurrently (but are urged to use common sense in doing so).

Newbie games are outside the experience system used elsewhere on the site. Modding a Newbie game does not count as experience to be used for purposes beyond the Newbie queue.

Large Normal Requirements:

Large Normal games require you to have been onsite for three months and played in one game. In addition, you must show that you have modded one game on, or PM mith to allow you to use a body of work offsite as a substitute for that experience. Large Normals make their own signup threads, and are cleared to do so at the discretion of the List Moderator (usually there are two active signup threads at a time). Before being cleared to run, Large Normal games must be reviewed to ensure that they fit Normal guidelines, and a backup mod who is eligible to run a Large Normal must sign on to help.

Mods may only run or be in line to run one Large game at a time.

Large Theme Requirements

Large Theme games require you to have been onsite for three months and played in one game. In addition, you must show that you have modded two games on, or modded one game and used a body of work offsite as a substitute for one game of experience. Large Themes make their own signup threads, and are cleared to do so at the discretion of the List Moderator (usually there are two active signup threads at a time). Before being cleared to run, Large Theme mods must have a backup who is eligible to run a Large Theme signed onto their project. The List Mod may also implement other requirements at their discretion.

Mods may only run or be in line to run one Large game at a time.

Special Game Requirements

Special Games are games like invitationals, games that take up multiple threads, or games that require forum powers beyond what single-thread moderator authority can offer. In order to run these games, a prospective moderator must have successfully modded five games onsite, and must have mith's permission. These requirements are the same for mods who want to run three games simultaneously; however, usually the third game fits under one of the other definitions of "Special Game" as well.