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Hall of Shame

From MafiaWiki
Revision as of 03:23, 19 July 2007 by Mr. Flay (talk | contribs) (format)
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From time to time, players or moderators flip out, disappear, or otherwise act in a less-than-ideal manner. This page will try to catalogue those actions, and the results, in as neutral a fashion as possible. :(For conciseness, normal disappearances by players should not be catalogued here; moderators is a different story)


Sicily (old Normal Game forum)

  • Game:
  • Bad Actor:
  • Problem:
  • Result:
  • Punishment, if any:

New York(Normal Games)

  • Game:
  • Bad Actor:
  • Problem:
  • Result:
  • Punishment, if any:

Little Italy (Mini Normals)

  • Game:
  • Bad Actor:
  • Problem:
  • Result:
  • Punishment, if any:

Coney Island (Mini Themes)

  • Game:
  • Bad Actor:
  • Problem:
  • Result:
  • Punishment, if any:

The Road to Rome (Newbie Games)

  • Game:
  • Bad Actor:
  • Problem:
  • Result:
  • Punishment, if any: