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Hi. I am wierdalexv. I am horrible at Mafia. Discuss.


  • Completed games (excluding Marathons): 2
  • Completed Marathons: 7
  • Total Completed Games (includes Marathons): 9

Regular games (excludes Marathons or non-regular games):

  • Town: 1-1 (50% win percentage)
  • Mafia: 0-0 (x% win percentage)
  • Third-Party/Other: 0-0 (x% win percentage)
  • Overall: 1-1 (50% win percentage)

Other/Marathon games

  • Town: 2-1 (50% win percentage)
  • Mafia: 1-2 (~33% win percentage)
  • Third-Party/Other: 0-1 (0% win percentage)
  • Overall: 3-4 (~42% win percentage)

All games (includes Marathons)

  • Town: 3-2 (40% win percentage)
  • Mafia: 1-2 (~33% win percentage)

Third Party/Other: 0-1 (0% win percentage) Overall: 4-5 (~44% win percentage)

Completed games

[Style shamelessly stolen from Bvoigt.]

Game Moderator Role Death Result Town Mafia Description
Newbie #1073 iamausername Vanilla Townie Lynched D3 Mafia Win wierdalexv, TheJakalope, Regfan, Kondi2424, AsianPancake, ConSpiracy, charter jmurph3, Frost I did horrible, after being on both of the mislynches, I was quickhammered D3 by Mafia.
Dethy (Marathon) mist7676 Insane Cop Endgamed Mafia Win wierdalexv, theplague42, DeathRowKitty, gandalf5166 lewarcher82 DeathRowKitty made a logic error that the town overlooked, allowing Mafia to hammer. Fail.
Conspiracy 3 (Marathon) Porochaz Mafia N/A Town Win ChannelDelibird wierdalexv, implosion, Juls, Nikanor I replaced out in like 5 minutes. Nothin' to say.
Newbie 1091 Dekes Vanilla Townie Lynched D3 Town Win Ion67, zMuffinMan, Descent, wierdalexv, Prosaurus, Rhinox, Ranmaru [Low Key], glowball My first win. The scum, [Low Key] and glowball, were my first and third scumpicks. Everybody thinks I played a bad game, but I kind of liked my play, TBH. It feels good to win.
Empking's Closed Game (Marathon) Empking's Alt Vanilla Townie Survived to Endgame Town Win Twistedspoon, wierdalexv (secretly) Empking's Alt (Serial Killer) 2 Townies vs. Serial Killer with Mod-SK. Sweeeeeeeeeeet. At least TS caught on that the mod was lynchable. Funny part is, roles were randomized.
Undecided Open Game (Marathon) Empking's Alt Mafia Lover Survived to Endgame Mafia Win thunderwielder, gandalf5166, Johhog, Tomith Bowser, wierdalexv First scum win. I fooled everybody D1 with an L-1 vote and pretending I thought it was a hammer. 2 Mafia Lovers vs. 4 Roleblockers, and me and my buddy, Bowser, were supposed to block each other. That worked out perfectly, and Bowser hammered a townie and I submitted a kill for the win.
Quick 5p Mafia (Marathon) Bowser Mafia (Actually VT) Endgamed Town (Actually Mafia) Win (Actually Mafia) SleepyKrew (Actually Town) wierdalexv, Johhog, PbuG, earworm VTs got Mafia Role PMs. Mafia Goon got Vig PM. Strange and annoying, but yet fun.
Espe's Don't Be Greedy! (Marathon) Espeonage N0 Compulsive Vig Survived to Endgame Town Win SleepyKrew, wierdalexv, Leonshade, sirdanalot AurorusVox I picked a one and grumbled when I got that role. Then I vigged the only scum N0. Lol.
Magic Train (Marathon) Mr. Flay Mafia Goon N/A Town Win Bowser, Magic Trainer wierdalexv Not really much to say here, not much strategy for Magic Train.

Current Games

Game Moderator Status Role Death Players
Mini 1180 Substrike22 Day 2 ??? Alive wierdalexv, Soben, Elsa von Spielburg, Captain Corporal, jilynne1991, TheWayItEnds, DarthYoshi, monk, Secret Project, Ironhead, Alduskkel, flinter, WormyKrew
Nintendo Mafia jmj3000 Day 7 1-Shot Bulletproof Serial Killer Lynched D5 TheJakalope, Tragedy, Super Smash Bros. Fan, Pine, E_Lou_Sive, hohum, RedCoyote, danakillsu, Dekes, Ythan, esuriospiritus, thil13, GhostWriter, Kdub, The Master Hand, lewarcher82, wierdalexv, Looker, Bunnylover

Current Modding Games

Game Status Players
Yahtzee! (Mish Mash) Full animorpherv1, gandalf5166 cjdrum, inHimshallibe, sAbLLimINal
RPG Duel (Mish Mash) Full Tragedy, wierdalexv

Completed Modding Games

[Style taken from Vi.]

The EVIL Imagination of Wierdalexv I (Marathon)
A Marathon Game where everybody was a Cult Recruiter.
Player Role Death Result

kiwieagle Red Cult Recruiter [converted to Pink] Survived Pink Wins
Charlie Black Cult Recruiter Lynched D1 Pink Win
Johhog Yellow Cult Recruiter His soul ripped in two N1 Pink Win
Junepei Purple Cult Recruiter Lynched D2 Pink Win
Empking's Alt Orange Cult Recruiter [converted to Pink His soul split in two N2 Pink Win
evilpacman18 Green Cult Recruiter [converted to Pink] Survived Pink Win
kondi2424 Pink Cult Recruiter Survived Pink Win
Twistedspoon Blue Cult Recruiter [converted to Pink] Survived Pink Win

The EVIL Imagination of Wierdalexv II (Marathon)
A Marathon Game. SleepyKrew didn't realize it was B******, and is very mad.
Player Role Death Result

wierdalexv MODJESTER Lynched D1 Fufilled Wincon D1
Espeonage Serial Killer Toungue Swallowed During an Operation N1 Mafia & Survivor Win
SleepyKrew [Random] Cop Pwned N1 Mafia & Survivor Win
Leonshade [Quack] Doc Lynched D2 Mafia & Survivor Win
AurorusVox Mafia Goon Survived Mafia & Survivor Win
Captain Corporal Lightning Rod/Nexus Survivor Survived Mafia & Survivor Win

(This is under Construction)

Restriction Designer Mafia(Marathon)
You sent in a restriction, a different player got it. All the players wanted to make it B******, so I did. They probably regret that.
Player Role Death Result

Bowser Vote-only Hated 1-Shot Cult Recruiter Survived Cult Win
Magic Trainer Peasant Goon Accidentally Shot D1 Cult Win
Kondi2424 [Random] Cop Pwned N1 Mafia & Survivor Win
Leonshade [Quack] Doc Lynched D2 Mafia & Survivor Win
AurorusVox Mafia Goon Survived Mafia & Survivor Win


  • Run the following games:

-Classic Mafia (an upcoming Mini Normal game)

-Infiltration of the Urukkein (a Large Theme that is EXTREMELY flavored. Like, seriously. The opening, which I am still writing, is over 4 pages long [but I do write kind of big]. It will also have a special Damage mechanic.)

-Revenge of the Urukkein (The sequel to Infiltration of the Urukkein)

-The Invasion of Urukke (Prequel to the Urukkein series)

-The War of Urukke (The last in the Urukkein series)

-Undercover Mafia (Mafia do not know who each other are)

-Metroid: Other Mafia (Based on Metroid: Other M, obviously)

-Temple of Doom Mafia (Involves a cult, so I don't know if I'll be able to run it ever.)

-Twilight Princess Mafia

-One of my friends wants me to help him with an (James Cameron's) Avatar Mafia.

-Bvoigt and I will be running a Naked Gun Mafia based on the movie spin-off of 'Police Squad!'.

-We will probably also be running a Tool Mafia, based on the band Tool.

-National Treasure Mafia

-I have 5 'The Evil Imagination of Wierdalexv' games I will run on the next marathon. :EVIL: [Partially done, did the first two.]

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Mafia (Involves a cult again, but with a special corruption recruiting mechanic.)

-Runescape Mafia (An extremely crazy game with Stat Levels, map-based actions, an Item system, HP and a different Lynching Mechanic. If I decide to actually do this in years to come, I will probably get a group of experienced balancers to help me.)

-Hide and Seek Mafia (Has a special hiding/location mechanic with a lot of WIFOM.)

-Sorry! Mafia (4 Neighborhoods and two ways to win: The mafia game and the sorry game. Cards that are picked up can be used in the Mafia or Sorry! game.)

  • Be the following roles:

-Mafia Goon

-JOAT (I don't care if it's town or Mafia)


-Serial Killer [Done]


-Mafia Rolecop


Post whatever the heck you want to here!

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  • Hey I just changed a thing here. I added links to the players you were referring to (mist7676 and Porchaz) you can delete them if you want. - mist7676
  • Thanks, Mist. - wierdalexv

  • Hi Alex! :D - Ranmaru
  • Hi Ranmaru. - wierdalexv

  • Question: does everybody hate me for those 'Evil Imagination of Wierdalexv' games? ~Wierdalexv