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Revision as of 19:25, 14 February 2011 by Mastin (talk | contribs) (Who am I?)
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I'm kind-of wondering what I really am when it comes to playing Mafia.

I'm not a Newbie, because I've got so many games under my belt I can still IC decently after having been absent from the site for over a year.

I'm not a Village Idiot, because I am constantly trying to improve my play.

I'm not a Good player, because there are so many things which I need to improve on, it's not even funny. (Especially my scum play, as I suck at being scum.)

I'm not an average player, either. Looking at my play, it can never be qualified under any definition of "normal".

I'm not a mod, obviously, though I do have one game as a Mod.

I'm not retired, or even a semi-retired player, because I'm active in my games.

I'm not a theory specialist, because even though I love theory, true masters of theory actually make it work in practice, something I cannot do, yet.

I'm...just me. Is there any other way to describe me? I post frequently--good, mostly. I post a lot when I do post--can be good, so long as I keep it under control. I like to joke a lot and am fond of fluff--so long as I don't let it get out of control, it's a manageable eccentricity. (Hey, that's actually a word! :P) I show an unhealthy devotion to my games at some point (good, I suppose), but a complete lethargic lack of interest at others (BAD! VERY VERY BAD!). I have a lot of shortcomings...

What am I?

I think that's really the question my Wiki Page is asking. Who am I? As an individual on the site, what am I?