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"Heads will roll on the day of my glorious conquest." - ReaperCharlie

Who He Is

Never Forget

Prefer to be the Mafia Godfather. J promafia sign opt16.gif

ReaperCharlie (aka RC) is an experienced warrior in the ways of deception, and has been playing the game of Mafia for many years. Whatever his role, he is generally outspoken and analytical, seeking to stir up discussion, even at a detriment to his own standing in popular perception. His playstyle varies between extremes: volatile accusations sometimes; active lurking and subversive conversation-starters at others. Accordingly, not much can be known about his thought process, but a few old myths tell that there is nothing but clockwork inside his head, and the voicebox which utters words is but an sonic instrument affixed to a cold chassis of calculation. Of course, this myth is all but pure folly, with only the part about the glowing cobalt blue eyes being true. However, something that is known is that his favorite role to play was classically the vanilla townie, as he used to consider it the only role challenging enough to play on a regular basis. However, since coming to, he's turned to the Dark Side. He is past redemption, and is bent on playing evil roles, and always with fervor; he thoroughly enjoys the thrill of staying alive against all odds.

Origins and History

ReaperCharlie started out playing online mafia at Spark Mafia, a sub-community of Spark Headquarters, and for a golden aeon, this was his forum mafia home. This lasted for a glorious period of high activity and beautiful textual melee... but nothing perfect lasts forever. Alas, the Spark Mafia community crashed to a violent death due to the inactivity of many of its foremost players. Shortly afterward, ReaperCharlie moved to, searching for that fabled essence of never-ending villainy that can only be offered a larger and more established arena of destruction. Since making his way onto this otherworld of new roles, rules, friends, and possibilities, he's become completely immersed, and has barely looked back.

Bad at Mafia

ReaperCharlie belongs to an elite group of Mafia scummers called BaM (Bad at Mafia), which includes some of the great Mafia players of our time, the likes of which include Xylthixlm, Porkens, SpyreX, Vi, TonyMontana, and Plum. Bad at Mafia strive to represent a mature, respectful, and enjoyable way to play the game. Interestingly enough, I've never even modded a game with the BaM Ruleset, I've only ever used my own custom ruleset, which features much longer days. Nevertheless, here's a shout out to all my BaM buddies, and I hope to see you guys on the flip side.


ReaperCharlie and his lovely wife had a brand new beautiful baby daughter in July 2010, and she requires a lot of time and love as she grows up. Real life has always been more important than Mafia, so expect a little inactivity at times. Chances are, though, ReaperCharlie will most likely still stick around and mod games every once in a while. And from time to time, he may even /in for the most interesting games (albeit at a severely diminished level from before). Just a heads up to anybody who's wondering why I'm not as active any longer!

Mafia Record

Real-Life Mafia Record

Mere words cannot describe how legendary of a real-life player ReaperCharlie is; his poker face is unmatched; his perception of the slightest mannerisms in other players is mythic; truly, he is a living wonder in all forms of the word. Sadly enough, all evidence of his prowess has been lost to the sands of time, and nothing that is said or done in real life can be proven through the Internet, nullifying any previous mental edge he may have retained via legend. And thus, he walks the earth as but another mortal.

Online Mafia Record

ReaperCharlie has a relatively short but meaningful online Mafia record. Due to his often adopting aggressive play-style, he is sometimes the catalyst of his entire team's glorious victory (and sometimes, their horrific defeat). He has begrudgingly realized through his online career that sometimes, no matter how much a person does, there are just too many Unintelligent People™ infiltrated into a team for the smart ones to overcome, and the game ends in a loss. Many tears are wept, but one must move on from defeat to the next shining victory. ReaperCharlie's online Mafia record (not counting Marathon games) is as follows:

Game Name W/L Forum Moderator Role Alignment Death Outcome
 Spark In-Forum Mafia Game Win Spark Mafia Godzilla Vanilla Townie Town  Killed on Night 5  Town Win on Day 6
 Spark Mafia 3: Werewolves Loss Spark Mafia chaos952 Vanilla Townie Town  Endgamed  Scum Win on Day 5
 Spark Mafia 5: Paranoia Loss Spark Mafia Nation Vanilla Townie Town  Killed on Night 2  Scum Win on Day 5
 Star Wars Mafia (R) Loss Theme Park Kdub Jabba the Hutt Scum  Killed on Night 3  Rival Scum Win on Day 10
 Newbie 941 (R) Loss Road to Rome Sarag Vanilla Townie Town  Mislynched Day 1  Scum Win on Day 3
 Left 4 Dead Mafia (R) Loss Theme Park The AI Director The Smoker Scum  Lynched on Day 4  Rival Scum Win on Day 6
 Rapture Mafia (R) Loss Theme Park Budja Vanilla Townie Town  Killed on Night 1  Scum Win on Day 9
 Werewolf: Wisborg Asylum Win Theme Park Knight of Cydonia The Oracle Town  Survived & Won  Town Win on Day 7
 Mini 969: Stardust Mafia Win Coney Island ooba Yvaine Thorne Scum  Survived & Won  Scum Win on Day 3
 Rainbow Robot Unicorn Attack! (R) Win Coney Island Percy Dark Horse Scum  Lynched on Day 2  Scum Win on Day 5
 Mini 974: Thrillville Mafia (R) Draw Coney Island animorpherv1 Vanilla Townie Town  Killed on Night 1  Drawn Game on Day 8
 Harry Potter Mafia Win Theme Park SensFan / hasdgfas Lord Voldemort Scum  Survived & Won  Scum Win on Day 5
 Mini 979: Siege of Obscurum Win Coney Island Kise Darklord Craydall Scum  Survived & Won  Scum Win on Day 3
 Mini 981: Descent into Chaos Loss Coney Island SaintKerrigan Hyperion Maci Town  Killed on Night 2  Scum Win on Day 6
 Gears of War Mafia Loss Theme Park Shotty / hasdgfas Ben Carmine Town  Endgamed  Serial Killer Win on Day 6
 POWERFUL WIZARD MAFIA Loss Coney Island SpyreX Enchanter Town  Killed on Night 6  Scum Win on Day 7
 Mini 997: DotA vs HoN: The Rift ? Coney Island MrSuave Centaur Warchief Town  Injured D4; Died D5  (In progress - Day 6)
 Mad World: Time Travel Mafia Loss Theme Park ooba Leonardo da Vinci Town  Dayvig'd on Day 4  Scum Win on Day 5
 Supernatural Mafia Loss Theme Park farside22 Lucifer Cult  Lynched on Day 3  Scum Win on Day 9
 Mini 1004: Popularity Mafia (R) N/A Coney Island LlamaFluff Band Member Town  Replaced In & Out  (In Progress - Night 5)
 Succession Mafia ? Theme Park Mr. Flay Unknown Unknown  Unknown  (In Progress - Day 2)
 The Lord of the Rings Mafia (H) ? Theme Park Plum Unknown Unknown  Unknown  (In Progress - Day 1)
(R) - indicates replacement into game. Currently (+6) in karma.
(H) - indicates increased amount of hydralisk involvement in marked game.

As a Moderator

ReaperCharlie has quite a flair for storytelling, and much prefers properly flavored games to those that rely on mechanics only. As such, his narrative posts are often quite long and descriptive, and when cut out of the game thread, can almost be read as if a complete story. He has moderated or is currently moderating the following games:

Game Name Info Forum Moderator(s) Backup Mod(s) Players Posts IRL Length Outcome
 Spark Mafia 2: Sparkville N/A Spark Mafia ReaperCharlie 24 780 18 days  Town Win on Day 11
 Spark Mafia 4: Metropolis Wiki Spark Mafia ReaperCharlie 18 364 17 days  Town Win on Day 6
 Metropolis: Redemption Wiki Spark Mafia ReaperCharlie 12 163 31 days  Abandoned – Inactivity
 The Brave and the Beautiful Wiki Coney Island ReaperCharlie SaintKerrigan 12 1560 64 days  Town Win on Day 5
 Secret Agent Mafia (future) N/A Coney Island RC / Andrius 12
 Metropolis: Revelation (future) Wiki Theme Park ReaperCharlie Percy, Vi
 His Dark Materials (future) N/A Theme Park ReaperCharlie Kdub

ReaperCharlie has never been a backup moderator, but contact him if you need one.

Modding blacklist available upon request.

As a Reviewer

ReaperCharlie offers his services from time to time as a game reviewer, when the flavor piques his interest. As stated above, he much prefers properly flavored games to those that rely on mechanics only, but incorporating both of these powerful tools in a seasoned and skillful manner can make players' heads spin with excitement; such is the goal. Aside from the games he has moderated, which can be found above, ReaperCharlie has reviewed or is currently reviewing the following games:

Game Name Info Forum Moderator Backup Mod(s) Players Posts IRL Length Outcome
 Mafia at High Noon N/A Coney Island Vi 12
 Star Control 2 (Part 3) N/A Theme Park SpyreX
 Blaz Blue: Calamity Trigger N/A Coney Island Tarhalindur 12
 Black and White Mafia N/A Coney Island CallMeLiam 12
 The Breadcrumb Bakery N/A Coney Island Andrius 12

Mafia Statistics

Mafia Win Record

  • Won: 6
  • Lost: 11
  • Draw: 1

Games as Townie: 11 (2-8-0-1)

Games as Scum: 6 (4-2-0-0)

  • Games as Boss: 3 (2-1-0-0)
  • Games as Blocker: 1 (0-1-0-0)
  • Games as Framer: 0 (0-0-0-0)
  • Games as Basic: 2 (2-0-0-0)
  • Games as Other: 0 (0-0-0-0)

Games as Third-Party: 1 (0-1-0-0)

Legend: (Wins-Losses-Abandoned-Other)



  • "RC deserves a scummy for his play in Harry Potter" - Furcolow
  • "Reaper tricked me. Noted." - DedicatedScribe
  • "Reaper scared me." - Budja
  • "ReaperCharlie is a conundrum." - Toogeloo
  • "RC is pretty awesome." - SpyreX
  • "RC was ridiculously hard to read." - Kast
  • "His coolness is just beyond your comprehension." - Vi
  • "Why aren't more people voting Reaper?" - TheButtonmen
  • "ReaperCharlie, you made my day." - crypto
  • "RC made the gambit of a lifetime." - rajrhcpfreak
  • "I hope you can't get my blood out of your elegant suit. Bastard." - Halow
  • "I knew RC would come around at the smell of a good wagon. ;)" - Andrius
  • "You have a ferret. Named Starscream. You might just be atop my favorite scummer list all of a sudden." - AGar
  • "Your mind is a fascinating place." - Nobody Special
  • "How do you not get lynched D1 in every game you play?" - Riceballtail
  • "</3 you make me sad, Reaper" - MrSuave
  • "Reaper, you are a conundrum." - MagnaofIllusion
  • "No seriously why aren't more people voting Reaper?" - TheButtonmen
  • "I pretty much agree with Reaper." - MacavityLock
  • "RC needs to be dying :x" - Parama (in scum QT)
  • "Reaper is scum." - Starbuck
  • "I am pretty sure our mod is playing. vote: Reaper!" - charter
  • "I THOUGHT YOU HAD H4X" - Fate
  • "Reeeeeeeaaaaaapeeerrrrrrrrrrrr." *fist shaking* - Gammagooey
  • "I see you're still a moron Reaper, that's fine." - Fate
  • "All hail King ReaperCharlie." - PokerFace
  • "/resurrect ReaperCharlie" - puffyfish

Funny Quotes

  • Awesome Pants' Roleclaim in Newbie 516 - Awesome Pants
  • "I have a perfect Mafia record. I've died in every game I've been in." - Prof. Guppy
  • "Why I like Scum Quicktopics: Because you can speculate all you want and no one will shout 'WIFOM'!" - kunkstar7
  • "If lurking is an art, you are a grandmaster." - Dragon Phoenix
  • "Welcome everybody to the Mafiascum Lounge... I'll be your bartender and bouncer." - OhGodMyLife
  • "Throw that hammer. You know you want to." - SpyreX
  • "Do it. There will be no repercussions. Think how good it will feel. All over you." - SpyreX
  • "For the record, those are not breadcrumbs. They are bread loaves, possibly even bakeries." - bv310
  • "I'm an NK-DK Immune, Unlynchable, triple voting, beloved, paranoid gun owner miller... With bonus." -Elleran
  • "Veni, vidi... veni?" - Oso
  • "...the Force was not with the Town with this one. The Squirrels of Naboo shoot you all like an iron disco ball of fail >:[" - Midnight's Sorrow
  • "No, my mental incapacity is genuine. Believe it or not, I'm trying to fake being a genius." - DrippingGoofball
  • "Take advantage of people." - Internet Stranger
  • "I was going to "this" that, but you "this"'d it first." - Brandi
  • "Hey, guys, if I'm posting more than everyone else... TOWN IS DOING IT WRONG." - MehPlusRawr
  • "You feel the need to vote. It is in you. Give in. Vote. Set him free. Set us all free." - SpyreX
  • "Don't reread. Just be ignorant and vote random people." - Nachomamma8
  • "You are the hero of the story, young padawan. Become a true Jedi." - SpyreX
  • "...and I say this with 100% facetiousness." - Furcolow
  • "Holy WIFOM, Batman!" - bv310
  • "Damn time-travelers and their damn time/space paradoxes." - Cybele
  • "I don't wanna do Hoopla's survey. I do however wanna do Hoopla." - Incognito
  • "I'd prefer to lynch a lurker than a liar if the liar is lying like I'm lying." - Furcolow
  • "Arguing with my mom is like arguing with a noob townie. I get nowhere, and she ends up thinking I'm the bad guy." - Zodiark13
  • "So are you claiming that you are a reflector? Maybe I should throw a banana at you and see what happens. >:D" - Elleran
  • "Also, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could point out my poor spelling. :roll:" - Ythill
  • "Is it weird that I find Professor Snape sexy?" - elvis_knits
  • *...rides off into the nonasshat sunset...* - Twomz
  • "Bah, go setup reviewers/backup mods!" - Kdub

Favorite Role

Fruit Vendor (by SpyreX) - Each night you may target a player. If successful, you will give them a delicious piece of fruit of your choice. The fruit does nothing.

Favorite Death

ReaperCharlie (vanilla townie) was murdered last night. Being a bachelor, he was spending Christmas alone. As he was leaving his house for his early morning jog, he noticed a nicely wrapped present on his doorstep. Overjoyed that someone would think of him, ReaperCharlie hastily unwrapped the present. Inside he found a note, which read:
"What object lights up your house on a toasty Christmas evening?"
Being the bright fellow that he is, ReaperCharlie enthusiastically exclaimed, "Simple, it must be a Christmas Tree!" Just then a voice in the distance replied, "Wrong." Realizing his impending doom, ReaperCharlie screamed, "you bastard!" as an RPG blasted him into oblivion.

Friends & Visitors

Howdy! If we're friends on MafiaScum or elsewhere, post your name and a short message below in the Friends section! If you're a visitor to my MS wiki and/or don't know me very well yet, please use the Visitors section! If you feel over time that we have become friends, pals, buddies, or otherwise intertwined in the complex web of camaraderie, feel free to move your name from Visitors to Friends, if I haven't already. RCheart.png

-For ease, just copy/paste the last person on the list and replace the name/message with your own. Please, do NOT edit anyone's comments but your own. Thanks a mil!


  • Fate - SIGNED! FRIEND #1 Baby! In lieu of your former Marine claim, I rescind any insults I've thrown your way in any games we've been/are in. <3 Reaper
  • Valeo - We're buddies! Lets do up some mafia again sometime when I'm more experienced.
  • Nation - lol, nice page. Can't wait for the Manifesto.
  • farside22 - I'm a friend! Looking forward to playing more games with you and killing you one day in a game. ;')
  • My Milked Eek - loved playing mafia with you can't wait until the next marathon
  • SaintKerrigan was here. ;) Looking forward to backup modding with you.
  • danakillsu - You da man, RC. But why is nothing I said in the quotes section?
  • Nobody Special - You sound like a guy I'd like to play with. (Mafia, that is.) Your mind is, indeed, fascinating.
  • Andrius - Finally made an account on the wiki. You're a great dude, RC, and its always a pleasure playing with you, save when you're Lynching me. :(
  • xRECKONERx - I'm f%cking jealous of your wiki. F&ck you Reaper. <3
  • MagnaofIllusion - Congrats on your new addition!! Girls are a treasure ... just be ready to hide when she gets around 10. Too bad about the retirement thing :(
  • bv310 - Proud to have double quotes on this page. Also must admit, your storytelling is rather strange, and by strange I mean mildly disturbing.
  • Super Smash Bros. Fan - Congratulation for your baby and I hope you have a wondeful life with her and your family. Oh and you're an awesome player.
  • hasdgfas - Hi there. This wiki page is impressive. Thanks for the scummy nom, I really didn't expect it. Glad you enjoyed the game. I hope that at some point you can join a game I'm modding from the start, even with your impending "retirement".
  • jmj3000 - You mean we have to sign the visitor's log? Reaper, we demand pics of the baby girl!
  • furcolow - hey man! i hope everything goes well with you and that little tyke you just brought into the world :)
  • TheLonging - Am I a friend? I hope so. You're awesome in all your games, even if you manage to be fail-cult :P


  • MafiaSSK - Woah. Good job fixing up the wiki. Remind me, when you reach 7 months, if you keep up this behavior, to nominate you for a title.
  • gandalf5166 - Why does your wiki pwn so much? Speaking of which, I should probably update mine........
  • AGar - Dear God. I thought mine was a b*tch to keep up-to-date. But holy h311. Congrats on the baby. Would you like slugs or buckshot with your shotgun?
  • molestargazer - Very spiffy wiki page. Congrats on the baby girl!
  • animorpherv1 - Holy crap, this wiki is amazing! Also, I wanna be a friend. Congratulations on the child! Lots of sleepless nights ahead...
  • Friend - You seem like a cool dude. Congrats on the baby man.

My To-Do List

Stuff I still need to do, cause I don't have enough time to do all the stuff that I should be doing, cause I'm busy doing all the things that I shouldn't be doing and am thus neglecting the things that I should be doing.

- Make the wiki for Spark Mafia 2: Sparkville

- Finish the wiki for The Brave and the Beautiful

  • Finish the Roles/Characters pages
  • Add all of the Night Actions.

- Finish writing descriptions for my Game Record

- Write descriptions for my Modded Games Record