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Now a ranger
Okay, well I'm 14 years old, from Knoxville, TN.
Games Completed On MafiaScum by Me
Mini 410 Mcdonald's, Backup Doc, Survived, Won
Mini 432 Raj's Freaktown, Scum with IH, Lynched Day 4 while I was on vacation.. couldn't respond to anything at the deadline, Lost
Mini 438 MAD Mafia, one-shot-doc, Nuked D1, Lost
Mini 448 Judgment Day Mafia, Town, Survived, Won
Newbie 305, Cop, Survived, Won
Newbie 315, Scum with BillyTwilight, Survived, Won
Newbie 320 Town, Lynched D1, Loss
Newbie 324, Scum with JordanA24, Lynched Day 2, Won
Newbie 366, Town, Survived, Won
Wins: 6
Losses: 3
Alright. Certain Scumchatters when I used to frequent, always thought I looked more like 11 or 12. That could not be further from the truth. I'm actually 5'11, just ask Ojpower, or Bfrock2000. They have seen me and know who I am.
I spend a lot of time on Mafiascum, but not THAT much, but definitely more than most people.
Mafiascum is the best website in the world.
I don't know what I'm saying.
I'm stubborn and addicted to mafia, what a combination!.
Here are certain people(s) I wish to discombobulate in a game:
1) Albert Rampage: For NKing me in one game RIGHT WHEN I REPLACED!!! =D 2) Peter Venkman: For messing with my Wiki several times and adding things that I don't want in it. Took a while for him to stop. I had to complain to a mod.
Don't make me add you to this list =D
Here are some cool people: TO BE EDITTED