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Refuge in Audacity

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Revision as of 23:48, 22 June 2010 by (talk)
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Cute fuzzy kitten defense is a ridiculous claim performed by a player when the are under heavy pressure and the probably lynch.

This claim can be ridiculous for a number of reasons:

1. It completely defies game balance.

2. It doesn't match up with the night actions.

3. It's simply totally beyond ridiculous, such as claiming to be a cute fuzzy kitten in a Square-Enix themed game similarly ridiculous kitten-themed abilities to go along. Yes, this actually happened.


Scummer MehPlusRawr initially used this claim in [Square Enix Mafia I: Diabolus Erus]

Later scummer Chronopie used a similar defense, claiming to be a a lynchproof Serial Killer in the same game. This was classified as a second cute fuzzy kitten defense and the name stuck.