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If you are trying to meta-analyze me... don't bother.[1]

Every game I play, I imitate someone I respected in the LAST game I played. Thus have no meta except for the meta of the person I am imitating.


I am wiping the grudgekill slate clean for a little while.


Kmd4390 Obv.

My Favorite Quotes:

"I'll give you [camn] an A+ for creativity but an F for truthfulness!" - Incognito "True skill is being able to pull a gambit on someone, explain exactly what you did after the game, and then pull the same gambit on them again." - Xylthixlm "(camn) pulled off an awesome claim in alpha, claiming tracker, but was really vanilla in Alpha, and was only a tracker in Beta. Her breadcrumb'ed claim was good enough that I made a mod error, my bad." - Adel "First of all, there will be no camn lynch today, camn is sweet, adorable, and totally town." - DGB "Camn is as wholesome as a daisy opening on a clear day in June." - DGB