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Verbose Mafia 2

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Verbose Mafia 2 - Post or Perish
Forum: Theme Park
Moderator(s): Mr. Grey
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Mafia


You are relaxing in your nice, comfortable, expensive chair, sipping your drink of choice, when there is a knock on the door. You don't want to get up to answer it; you are far too content. Eventually, curiosity wins out, and you drag yourself over to the door.

There is no one there. You look around outside, but it is too dark to see very far, and anyway there is no sound to indicate that there is anything to see. You curse the neighborhood children under your breath, and are about to turn back inside, when you glance down and notice a package. You look around again quickly, and then pick it up and bring it inside.

Attached to the package is a small envelope. You open it, and read the note inside.


You are cordially invited to attend a small gathering. Your host, Mr. Grey, will arrange for transportation and accommodation. Unfortunately, for security reasons, the location of this event can not be disclosed at this time. However, Mr. Grey would like to assure you it will be to your advantage to attend. A car will arrive tomorrow morning at 8:00. Please hold on to this invitation, and wear the enclosed mask when you answer the door.

Setting the note aside for the moment, you open the box. As suggested by the note, there is a mask inside. It looks as if it was molded specifically to fit your face. It is solid black, except for some letters on the forehead. You smile to yourself as you notice that these letters happen to correspond to an internet alias that you occasionally use.

Your smile quickly disappears when you look beneath the mask. There are several photographs, which look to have been taken by some sort of hidden camera. You are in them. You shouldn't be - you don't recognize the men and women in the pictures with you - but you know that if these pictures came out it could cause you a lot of trouble. They may be fake, but no one but you would be able to tell the difference. You see now what the invitation was referring to when it said it would be to your advantage to attend.

You have trouble sleeping, as your dreams bring to life the doctored photographs you received. You wake up early, and have no desire to return to your dreams, so you find yourself ready to go before 8. You pick up the mask you have been provided and put it on. It has straps which you connect behind your head with a metallic snap.

The door knocks. A stereotypical chauffeur greets you. He takes your luggage, and you follow him to the car. You try to make some small talk, but there is no response from the driver, so you soon give up and look out the window. You pay close attention to where you are being taken, but eventually you realize that you must be headed for the airport. You arrive there without further incident.

You are led through the airport security quickly, without even a second glance from the guards (though those waiting in line seem quite annoyed that you don't have to wait and they do). You are lead into a small room, where others wearing similar masks are also waiting. Before long, there are 21 of you that are wearing masks, and one that is not. It can't be the mysterious host, though, unless he has a very peculiar sense of humor. His outfit is entirely shades of green.

"I believe that is everyone? Yes? Good. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mr. Green. I am Mr. Grey's assistant. I hope everyone had a pleasant ride to the airport. Unfortunately, it will be a little bit longer before our flight will be ready to leave. In the meantime, I hope you will take this opportunity to get to know each other a little bit better. Please, help yourselves to a drink, I will return when everything is ready."


(NOTE: The "Roles" listed in the table are the best approximation for those given to each player. See: Actual role PMs.)

Fiasco1-Shot VigMafiaSurvived
HalfMan Commodore AmazingTraitorMafiaSurvived
Thok1-Shot VigMafiaSurvived
Kelly ChenTownieTownN1
mathcam2-Shot RoleblockerTownN2
LoudmouthLee1-Shot PoisonerMafiaD3
FritzlerTownie / Tree StumpTownD4
PookyTheMagicalBearSerial KillerSoloistN4
Seol1-Shot CopTownL5
the silent speakerMotivatorTownD7
VitaminRSuicidal TownieTownN9
Cogito Ergo SumMasonTownN9


Day 1

D1 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
Turbolover 13 Adele, Cogito Ergo Sum, Fiasco, Fritzler, Kelly Chen, mathcam, PookyTheMagicalBear, Seol, SpamWise, Tamuz, Thok, Turbovolver, VitaminR
Adele 2 Commodore Amazing, DrippingGoofball
Fritzler 2 mikeburnfire, petroleumjelly
Cogito Ergo Sum 1 LoudmouthLee
mikeburnfire 1 the silent speaker
not voting 1 Werebear

Night 1

Adele -> DrippingGoofball (Failed)
Fiasco (not used)
LoudmouthLee -> ?? (Failed)
mathcam (not used)
PookyTheMagicalBear -> Kelly Chen; Kelly Chen (Success)
Seol -> ?? (Failed)
SpamWise (not used)
the silent speaker -> Fritzler (restriction 2)
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> DrippingGoofball

Day 2

D2 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
Adele 12 Commodore Amazing, DrippingGoofball, Fritzler, LoudmouthLee, mathcam, petroleumjelly, Seol, SpamWise, Tamuz, Thok, VitaminR, Werebear
DrippingGoofball 5 Adele, Cogito Ergo Sum, Fiasco, mikeburnfire, PookyTheMagicalBear
not voting 1 the silent speaker

Night 2

Fiasco (not used)
LoudmouthLee (not used)
mathcam -> LoudmouthLee
PookyTheMagicalBear -> mathcam, matchcam (Success)
Seol -> ?? (Failed)
SpamWise (not used)
the silent speaker -> Commodore Amazing (restriction 1)
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> Fiasco

Day 3

D3 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
LoudmouthLee 10 Cogito Ergo Sum, Commodore Amazing, DrippingGoofball, Fiasco, petroleumjelly, Seol, SpamWise, the silent speaker, Thok, VitaminR
Cogito Ergo Sum 3 Fritzler, LoudmouthLee, Werebear
Seol 2 PookyTheMagicalBear, Tamuz
not voting 1 mikeburnfire

Night 3

Fiasco (not used)
PookyTheMagicalBear -> Thok, ?? (Failed)
Seol -> ?? (Failed)
SpamWise (not used)
the silent speaker -> Seol (restriction 5)
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> ?? (Failed)

Day 4

Fritzler becomes a Tree Stump.

D4 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
[1] 8
Fiasco 7 Cogito Ergo Sum, Commodore Amazing, DrippingGoofball, PookyTheMagicalBear, SpamWise, the silent speaker, Thok
Werebear 1 mikeburnfire
not voting 6 Fiasco, petroleumjelly, VitaminR, Werebear, Tanuz, Seol

Night 4

Fiasco -> PookyTheMagicalBear (Success)
PookyTheMagicalBear -> Seol, DrippingGoofball (Success)
Seol -> Commodore Amazing
SpamWise (not used)
the silent speaker -> Thok (restriction 3)
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> ?? (Failed)

Day 5

D5 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
Seol 8 Cogito Ergo Sum, Commodore Amazing, mikeburnfire, petroleumjelly, SpamWise, the silent speaker, Thok, VitaminR
not voting 4 Fiasco, Werebear, Tamuz, Seol

Night 5

SpamWise (not used)
the silent speaker -> Fiasco (restriction 2)
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> Tamuz

Day 6

D6 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
Tamuz 7 Cogito Ergo Sum, Commodore Amazing, Fiasco, mikeburnfire, petroleumjelly, Thok, VitaminR
mikeburnfire 2 Tamuz, Werebear
VitaminR 1 the silent speaker
not voting 1 SpamWise

Night 6

Commodore Amazing recruited (not used)
SpamWise (not used)
the silent speaker -> Wearbear (restriction 4)
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> Thok

Day 7

D7 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
the silent speaker 6 Cogito Ergo Sum, Commodore Amazing, Fiasco, SpamWise, Thok, VitaminR
SpamWise 1 the silent speaker
not voting 3 mikeburnfire, petroleumjelly, WereBear

Night 7

Commodore Amazing (not used)
SpamWise -> petroleumjelly
Thok (not used)
Werebear -> SpamWise

Day 8

D8 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
WereBear 6 Cogito Ergo Sum, Commodore Amazing, Fiasco, mikeburnfire, petroleumjelly, Thok
Thok 3 SpamWise, VitaminR, Werebear

Night 8

Commodore Amazing -> ?? (Failed)
Thok (not used)

Day 9

D9 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
[2] 5
Fiasco 3 Cogito Ergo Sum, mikeburnfire, petroleumjelly
Thok 2 Fiasco, VitaminR
not voting 3 HalfMan, Thok, SpamWise

Night 9

Commodore Amazing -> petroleumjelly (Success)
Thok -> Cogito Ergo Sum (Success)