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Snow White
"Snow White" joined Mafia Scum 13June2009.
The username originates from a boozy night out in the Capital where "Snow White" kissed 7men.
Pointless information about Snow White
I have 7 phones. Each for all you know is for sexy talk with my seven lovers. Seven apparently is my lucky number lol. I have a consistently on again off again boyfriend and compensate with my secret F*ck Buddy Jay, when ive been re-dumped again. Rawr. My favourite flowers are yellow roses and my music taste varies between the 80's band "The Cure" and the naughties band "The Streets"
I have one best friend i would trust with my life. And she is currently away in the canaries on her boyfriend's yacht. lol. So i am lacking her as of the minute. She has previously described me as a mix of Samnatha from Sex and the City and Joey from "Friends" But Im a serial nerd at heart.
Im 19, with a degree in social studies and im currently doing another course in pre nursing in september. I do volunteer work in my spare time with teens and Mafia has been my latest gripe pushing out the golivewire forum where i previously frequented.
Game History
1.)Her first game was ran under the golivewire forum username "KeiraOasis". The first game run by "I m Batman". She played as Mafia but on Day3 due to the one sided favouring of the host who outted 4/5 mafia she commited a public suicide in protest. 2 of her partners commiting the same act and the game collapsed. "I m Batman" was subsequently banned.
2.)Her second game was again run under the golivewire forum Eastern University of Michigan Mafia, username "Keiraoasis". This game was run under "Thriftweed" and she played as cop. After a fellow player "CharolastrA" announced they were cop "KeiraOasis" too roleclaimed cop. It was agreed that they would both vote no vote and wait until the results of the investigation the following morning but despite efforts, town voted "CharolastrA" off. "CharolastrA" was proved "insane bulletproof cop". From then on "KeiraOasis" was continually roleblocked. Town lost. Eastern University of Michigan Mafia Days 1-7
3.) Dr. Perry Cox's - Scrubs Mafia. Snow White replaced in for BrianMcQueso who requested a replacement. She was given the role of Turk (Mafia Lover to JD) she played with Veerus (the Janitor) and Tzeentch (JD). BMQ and Tzeetch had claimed masons to disuade the town voting BMQ out. A lynch was led against fellow Mafian Veerus. After Veerus' death Snow and Tzee debated whether they would kill Fritzler or no lynch. A no lynch was decided and the next day they would attempt to lynch MafiaSSK who they believed they could portray as Veerus's scumbuddy. MafiaSSK roleclaimed cop, claimed to have known Veerus was scum and accused Snow White too of being scum. He however did not vote Veerus and the town believed Snow White and Tzeentch and voted off the MafiaSSK who flipped to be cop. That night. Tzeetch submitted a kill on Fritzler and the Brain Trust (Veerus, Tzeetch and Snow White) won the game. Dr. Perry Cox's - Scrubs Mafia
Caboose's - Mafia 97 Day Night Mafia. Snow White was killed night 2 in a peculiar struggle involving a fire hose which resulted in her being bifibricated (split in two). She was a Mason. Caboose's - Mafia 97 Day Night Mafia
Games Pending
2.) Xtoxm's - Newbie 807.Click me!1
3.)Hoopla's - Mini820 The Seaside.Click me!!
4.) Gorrad's - Final Fantasy Mafia. (COMING SOON) (and i am not joining any more games so as to endanger this one!! I <3 Final Fantasy.)
Memorable Quotes
1.) Anyone can disagree with me, but what you do with your own vote is your own business. So worry about your own vote and not someone elses. Unless your being voted for. In that case, go crazy and worry about everyones vote. The End.
2.) Far be it for me to fail to express my feelings through posts. There are worser crimes ive commited. So let me make this clear as i can perhaps emphaysising with caps...
3.) The e-bum hasnt shown his face yet.
4.) So i beg to ask, are you serious about assuming im Mafia (again) or are you just making me sweat to pass the time?
5.) Which one do i get a cookie for being?
6.) I love you too.
8.) You kill me though and ill bleed cop everywhere.
Memorable Quotes about Snow White
1.) Give it up for MC Bandwagon AKA Snow White
2.) If CharolastrA is indeed cop, me calling you stupid before is indeed wrong and I am the retard here, i'll gladly admit that.