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Revision as of 17:21, 18 March 2008 by Macros (talk | contribs)
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Longtime player on MafiaScum, known for brilliant game setups that frequently undergo minor upheavals as his own cleverness gets the best of him, and he forgets something... this could have something to do with him being hunted by random hobos.

Also, an absolutely atrocious typist/speller. Ongoing research has failed to produce a reliable Macros/English translator.

In 2003, Macros won the scummie for best night scene writing:

AND for funniest player:


[1]MaSiaSTOM! (large normal) [2]THoMioST! (large normal) [3] Holy Grail (large Theme, based on Monty Python's quest for the holy grail) [4] Trouble in Minas Tirth (large theme, based on LotR [5] Fantasy Mafia (Large theme, based on the novels of several authors) [6] WoT Mafia (Large theme, based on the Wheel of Time, Co-modded with MoS)