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Breaking Strategy

From MafiaWiki
Revision as of 06:35, 26 January 2007 by Mr. Flay (talk | contribs) (copied from old wiki)
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In general Game Balance terms, a strategy "breaks the game" by giving one side a vastly superior chance of winning or some bonus that gives no reason not to pursue it every single time, sometimes referred to as gaming the system.

For example, a Mass Roleclaim in some Theme Games (specifically, ones where almost all of the obviously good named characters are in the game) will force the evil players to either claim names that are much more obscure, or claim a major role name and hope they manage to get the other player lynched.

The original Open Setup for Newbie Games also developed some weaknesses to being gamed; this led to alternate setups being made available which negated that number-based analysis.