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Innocent Ythan

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Revision as of 02:11, 24 July 2022 by Callforjudgement (talk | contribs) (disable categories – this isn't a role page, but a parody of one, and moderators coming to the wiki looking for roles probably aren't looking for this)
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Innocent Ythan
  • Ythan
Role type:
  • Ineffable
  • Game-Breaking
  • Day and Night

Innocent Ythan is a specific player who is mod-confirmed as Town-aligned.

Obviously, Ythan is always town.


Occasionally, adventurous moderators will make Innocent Ythan Mafia-aligned. Despite this, Ythan is always innocent and always town. It is a particularly dangerous variant that threatens to rip holes in the fabric of the space-time continuum and completely break the matrix. Moderators should be incredibly hesitant to make Ythan a Town-Aligned Mafia.

Normal Guidelines

Innocent Ythan is considered Normal on when Ythan is playing a normal game.

Use and Power

This player/role is more overpowered than Thanos with all six infinity stones. Be cautious.


Due to the nature of this role and being exceptionally overpowered, it is important to understand how to play against this role.

If you are Mafia: Replace out immeidiately. There is no way to save yourself from certain defeat. I know what you're probably thinking, can we just nightkill Ythan? ABSOLUTELY NOT. First off, it's impractial because Ythan will be protected by any smart doctor that has an inkling of what they are doing. Second, if you do somehow kill an Innocent Ythan, it is a clear and explicit violation of the One Commandment: Thou shalt not kill Ythan, and will doom you to spending eternity in hell without possibility of parole.

If you are Town: Relax, it's going to be an easy game. Ythan will carry you to victory. The only important rule you must obey is to never vote for Ythan. Do that, and you will be fine. In the event you do vote out Ythan, you will experience horrific karma for doing so and the only way to save yourself from losing is to replace out, but truth be told, at that point, mafia will be the least of your concerns because the entire universe will be after your head.