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< Datisi
Revision as of 23:10, 15 September 2021 by Datisi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{UNTabs|t1=Datisi|l1=Datisi|t2=Played Games|l2=Datisi/Games|t3=Modded Games|l3=Datisi/Modded|s=4|t4='''Avatars'''|l4=Datisi/Avatars}} The page for keeping track of my avatars...")
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The page for keeping track of my avatars over time. Note that this list is not complete, as some of my past avatars were used for a very short time and aren't worth adding here because they're not really good.

Main account avatars:

Datsavi1.png Datsavi2.png Datsavi3.png Datsavi4.png DatsaviM.png Datsavi5.png Datsavi6.png
Mary (Ib) Garry (Ib) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD) Mary (Ib) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD)
Datsavi7.png Datsavi8.png Datsavi9.png Datsavi10.png Datsavi11.png Datsavi12.png Datsavi13.png
Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD) Sou (YTTD)

Hydrae avatars:

Only the actually good hydra avatars (read: those that I spent more than an hour on) are here.

I spent quite a bit of time on some of these...

Dh1.png Flmabye3.png Agaar.png Femblocc.png N3roses.png Egotisifinal1.png Dats-retti-2.png
Fishy Logic (old) Fishy Logic a Gun and a Rose Feminist Blocc Night 3 Roses egotisi Green Cap Boys