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Flea The Magician

From MafiaWiki
Revision as of 12:24, 30 November 2020 by Flea The Magician (talk | contribs) (Games update)
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Male... Female... What's the difference? Power is beautiful and I've got the power!!


I'm old, cranky, autistic, paranoid, ADD, EUPD, have fibromyalgia probably, and I thought stream my posts. I say what I'm thinking with little thought usually. Add in my meds change frequently and often make me stoned, well... have fun :P

Ongoing Games

Game Status
Silent Star 3: Royalty Alive

Completed Games

Quick Stats

Played Won Lost Average Townie Games Townie Win Townie Endgames/ELO Scum Games Scum Wins Scum Endgames/ELO Third Party Games Third Party Wins Third Party Endgames/ELO
3 2 1 66%% 3 (100%) 2 (66%) 1 (33%) 0 (inf%) 0 (inf%) 0 (inf%) 0% 0% 0%


Game Modded By Role Fate Result
Newbie 2034 Space II Plotinus Vanilla Townie Lynched D4 Loss
Large Theme Death Curse Hectic Vanilla Townie Scrolled D4 Win
Micro 982 The Council: Student Council Edition Kanna Honour Student [VT] Killed N1 Win


Game Modded By Role Fate Result

3rd Party

Game Modded By Role Fate Result