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Geriatric Ruleset

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Geriatric Ruleset
A Response To The 2017 High Paced Meta

This page explains the rules of the Geriatric Ruleset, created by Korts. If you're about to play a game with this ruleset, look no further than this wiki page to know what you need (although, maybe you SHOULD look a bit further and ask the mod to specify any modifications).

Ruleset   History and Reasoning   Games Run w/ GR   Geriatric Players Club    

What is a Geriatric Game?

A Geriatric Game is one that uses the below ruleset. Essentially, the point of the Geriatric Ruleset is to tone down the volume of posting in a game, to make it a more manageable and pensive game, as opposed to one full of unreadable walls of meaningless spam. We are all guilty of it sometimes, and these rules/guidelines help to improve that.

Rules To A Geriatric Game

This game is played under a Geriatric ruleset. This means that posting frequency is restricted as follows:

  • Every player is allowed a maximum of 10 posts in a 24 hour period. In the 24 hour period immediately preceding a deadline, players are allowed a maximum of 15 posts. The definition of a 24 hour period must be provided by the moderator.
  • Every player starts with a reserve of 20 additional posts. Any posts above the daily limit are subtracted from this reserve.
  • Players who deplete their reserve will receive a warning. Any further infractions after that will incur a modkill.
  • If a player has hit the daily limit and depleted their reserve, they are allowed one naked vote change per in-game Day.

How Should I Go About Posting In A Geriatric Game?

The following are guidelines for playing within the restrictions of a Geriatric ruleset (and generally), and are designed to reduce the pace and improve comprehensibility:

  • Know how to let off the gas. Momentum is important, but this is not a race. This is a game of cooperation - make sure you don't leave anyone behind.
  • Don't forget you're always speaking to everyone. One-on-one conflicts have their place, but they can quickly take over a thread - and nobody is interested in spectating five pages of others arguing. You don't need to have the last word - if you're stuck making the same arguments to the same people, let the thread breathe and give others a chance to weigh in.
  • Compose your thoughts. Before submitting a post, reread yourself and cut, edit, and format your message. Make sure your point is clear, and highlight any arguments you make. For example, distinguish separate subjects with expandable spoilers or area tags.
  • As an overly general rule, any post that is shorter than three sentences is too short, and any post that doesn't fit on a single computer screen is too long.


Reserved for popular variations of the ruleset