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27977.png This user plays Mafia. (Talk)
Prefer to be a Pro-Mafia Player. J promafia sign opt16.gif

About Me

A relatively new scummer from Belgium who generally sucks at the game. He's either obvtown or really scummy. He enjoys reading, writing and designing setups, as well as discussing various things with about anyone. when he plays mafia, he loves playing in hydrae as it makes it a less stressful experience. The people he hydra's with are obviously awesome.

Hydrae he owns:

Twin Wings: Hydra with foxbird
Detective Moonlight: Hydra with Transcend
Sooperdetective: Hydra with Froot Loop
The Underachievers: Hydra with Zachstralkita

He also owns an alt account, Zaphkael. His role will become clear during the summer of 2017.

To close this off: mad props to Frozen Angel for setting up this wiki page!

Upcoming Games

This is a list of games inspectorscout may run at some point. If the name is italic, he is sure to run them.

Large Normal: 18 players, confirmed multiball, in queue, awaiting signups.
Inception Mafia: Comodded with Frozen Angel, in final stages of design. Orginal flavor, set in a futuristic world. In design.
Heavenly Empire: Original flavor, angel theme, comodded with foxbird, in final stages of design.
Death.: Original flavor, themed after death. Finished, but needs improvement.
Supermarket Mafia: Original flavor, PR's are distributed by vendors. Finished, needs improvement.