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Apricity/2016 Games

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Completed Games

Mini 1791: Mildly Dangerous Mafia
Game Type Modded By Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Postie Mafia Ascetic Mafia Traitor Started Lynched D4 Loss
I feel like this game was pretty townsided. The normal mafia (TTH and Expedience) had no power roles and no daytalk, while town had a weak bodyguard and 3 normal bodyguards. As the traitor, the mafia didn't know who I was either. After all the BGs claimed (including a fakeclaim by Expedience), it created two separate lynch pools that would force scum to PoE themselves as they NKed people. I also didn't realize that town could win even if they didn't lynch me as long as they got all the groupscum, so I ended up bussing TTH with the intent of surviving longer. After TTH was lynched, I lost most of my motivation for this game...I did manage to push an RC lynch through, but I got lynched after that and Expedience the Day after me. At this point I'm just happy that I managed to survive as long as I did.

Mini 1776: Evolution Mafia
Game Type Modded By Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Wgeurts Town Vanilla* Started NKed N5 Loss
I had a really hard time forming reads in this game, especially during early game. Town never really came together cohesively, and even when I had established some scumreads I'd still occasionally be second-guessing my townreads...idk why that was though. I did end up nailing the whole scumteam of EAP, Persivul, and Heat later on but failed to push them adequately. Not particularly proud of the way this turned out--we didn't secure a lynch before deadline in LyLo.
  • This game had an interesting mutation mechanic where people could pick one of two abilities offered to them if they were on the leading wagon at Day end. I started out as Vanilla, evolved a 1x cop inventor (give someone a 1x cop), and then a 1x loved inventor (make someone a popular except during LyLo).

Micro 587: Maths Mafia
Game Type Modded By Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Micro ZZZX Town Vanilla Started NKed N1 Win
Not too much to say about this one since I died early and didn't follow the game that much afterwards. I'm glad we won, though :D Also sad because I wanted to use calculus but didn't end up with any special differentiation/integration abilities.

Micro 574: Space Invaders Mafia 4
Game Type Modded By Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Micro Marquis Town Laser Cannon (IC Dayvig) Started Survived Win
This was hands-down the best game I've played to date. No game has ever been as fun or as mentally and emotionally exhausting for me. I was the Laser Cannon (basically an IC Dayvig)--really enjoyed being conftown since it left me free to scumhunt without worrying about how I looked. There was some wifom going on since the rest of town were 1x docs and scum (Not_Mafia and Soren, who was replaced by Errant) could choose between a normal unlimited factional kill or a 2x kill with both shots usable on the same night. They ended up picking the 2x kill. I established pretty accurate reads by page 10 ish, though I ended up second-guessing myself a little. I should learn not to do that. It got pretty tense pre-laser D1 with RC and Beeboy blowing up at each other, but they made up :) Eventually shot Not_Mafia who wasn't really trying and had resorted to trolling D1. Lynched 3dice D1, shot BBT D2, lynched Beeboy D2, shot Dewy D3, lynched Errant D3. On the last day, D3, RC confirmed himself as town, so it was down to Ranger (replaced Bulba) and Errant. I changed my vote to Errant and persuaded RC to do the same in literally the last possible minute. It really was a difficult decision because the remaining people who were town really acted like it, but so did Errant as scum. His play was amazing too.