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2010 Scummies

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Revision as of 18:24, 2 June 2016 by Wgeurts (talk | contribs)
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Overview of the 2010 Scummies Awards


Name Reason Winner Game and link
Rookie of the Year Most Improved Player MagnaofIllusion A Clash of Kings
Jedi Master Best Inexperience-Challenged Player yabbaguy Newbie 988-Apocalypse
Rube Goldberg Best Setup dramonic Tarot Mafia
Grr, Arg Best Mechanic/Mutation Vi Mafia on Holy Orders
White Knight Best Replacement petroleumjelly New York 116 - Prozacs Large Normal
Professor Mafia Best Contribution to Mafia Discussion Hoopla Spearheading the change to 13-player Minis
Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its Ass Best Role malthusis Tentaculat
in Mini 888: X-COM Terror from the Deep
Johnny Cochrane Best Role Claim Hoopla Paranoid Gun Owner claim
in Mini 973: "Bawhston" Brawl
Name Should be in Orange Behind the Scenes Contribution Vi "For Distinguished Service in Spambot-Fighting and General WikiAwesomeness"
Smooth Operator Excellent Moderation Flameaxe NY 118 - BBM's Large Normal Mafia
Coffee on the Monitor Funniest Poster hitogoroshi Open 189~Trouble at Warren State Mental Hospital
Hannibal Lecter Best Performance by a Third Party lewarcher82 as Bulletproof Neighbor Serial Killer Mafia 119: Murder at Hotel Death
Paperback Writer Best Flavor Text SaintKerrigan Descent into Chaos
Don Corleone Most Cunning Manipulator Sotty7 Mini 942: Gonzo Mafia
Paragon of Mafia Hunters Best Scum Catcher Glork Square Enix Mafia I: Diabolus Eres
Oscar Best Performance: Scum Group Chronopie, Debonair Danny DiPietro, DrippingGoofball, Gammagooey, and RedCoyote Pledge of Allegiance
Oscar Best Performance: Pro-Town Team Benmage, BloodCovenent, Cobalt, chamber, DeathNote, dramonic, DrippingGoofball, Faraday, farside22, Fishythefish, Seacore, SerialClergyman, TonyMontana, Vaya, Vi Pick Your Power
Player's Choice Most Enjoyable Game The Lord of the Rings Mafia
The Golden Fedora Lifetime Achievement MeMe Both of the Mini queues... since 2003