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Telephone Pictionary: I Still Call Australia Home/Frilled-Neck Lizard

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Chain F1: Marquis's chain

Marquis - Phrase

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22.

caledfwitch - Picture

Frilled Neck Lizard 2.jpg

MTD - Phrase

A chatterbox at the coffee party.

Antihero - Picture

Frilled Neck Lizard 4.png

Nobody Special - Phrase

Balancing the root beer on the flimsy table makes the box of goodies explode.

RedCoyote - Picture

Frilled Neck Lizard 6.png

StrangerCoug - Phrase

The leaking mug of hot chocolate is by the teapot-looking fridge with the electrical coils over it.

Cheery Dog - Picture

Frilled Neck Lizard 8.png

Bicephalous Bob - Phrase

Leaving the fridge open might cool down the hot chocolate you spilled.

Shanba - Picture

Frilled Neck Lizard 10.png

JacobSavage - Phrase

The moudly potato couldn't find anything to eat in the fridge.

DrippingGoofball - Picture

Frilled Neck Lizard 12.jpg

Hanasawa - Phrase

Madoka Magica took a budget hit and the latest witch is now a potato with many eyes and a chef's hat.

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Telephone Pictionary