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Revision as of 06:46, 24 April 2014 by Scarab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello. I am Scarab. You might know me as something else. You may even know me. I hope you don't and you probably don't, in some order. I'm 37, maybe, but I'm not. That does...")
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Hello. I am Scarab. You might know me as something else. You may even know me. I hope you don't and you probably don't, in some order.

I'm 37, maybe, but I'm not. That doesn't even make sense as a guess. I shouldn't need to guess, should I? I know how old I am. I might know how old I am.

I'd like to believe I'm smart, but I know it's not true. That shouldn't stop me from believing. It usually doesn't. Besides, there are worse things to believe in, aren't there?~

Playing mafia can be a bit of a wild experience for me. I play it for the wrong reasons. I've played it for the wrong reasons for a long time. I like to convince myself there are no right reasons for playing it and that we're all in this together. That's not how the world works. I hate comforting truths, but they're my best friends. They're my only real friends. If there's a god above, things were never meant to be this way, but it's how they were always destined to turn out. I've always heard that life is unfair. Sometimes that's true, but all too often life is completely fair in all the worst ways. Maybe it's karma or maybe it's pure random chance. I would love to know, but it really doesn't matter.

Drugs that solve too many problems solve none at all. A drug that claims to do nothing likely works as advertised.

What you see is what you get, but what you get is not always what you see.

Any system of values that allows for the existence of "needs" is inherently flawed. Nothing is priceless.

Never love without permission.

This wiki page isn't really about me, is it? Maybe it is.

It's not always wrong to go to the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you just need to let something guide you to safety.