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Notreallygood is, as the name suggests, a not-really-good player. He is known for being a rather defensive and explorative player. He enjoys every experience he can achieve, even if he has yet to refine his skills.
Very little had been known about notreallygood before he joined the site. It is known that he was once playing a Mafia game with his friends in real life, and then happened to stumble upon this site, which turned out to be a fabulous one. He has been playing games since 2013. He now has a tendency of participating in Newbie games as SE and modding games, for whatever reasons.
He is always watching this site. Even if he is in V/LA, or has not seemed to engage in games for awhile, he will still be watching. Always.
OK, I'm done with third-person narration. Here's a list of games I've played and modded.
Played Games
(from oldest to newest)
Newbie 1380 Vanilla Townie Lynched D1 (Mafia Win)
Mini 1483: Finagling of Flitter Hills Town Gunsmith Killed N3 (Town Win)
Micro 245: Saving the Riverdale Empire II Mage Apprentice Lynched D1 (Town Win)
Micro 261: Watch Your Step Vanilla Townie Survived (Town Win)
Mewbie 1453 Mafia Goon Lynched D3 (Town Win)
Modded Games
Coming Soon
Total: 5
Win: 3
Loss: 2
Abandoned: 0
Win Percentage: 60%
Loss Percentage: 40%
Abandoned Games Percentage: 0%
Times Played as Town: 4
Times Played as Scum: 1