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Open 478

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Open 478
Forum: Central Park
Moderator(s): N
Diffusion of Power
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Town




Day 1

Vote Count
# Target Voters
7 RachMarie CF Riot, BeautyAndTheBeast, Human Destroyer, ProHawk, mcqueen, Mitillos, chkflip
3 chkflip Wisdom, zabriel, RachMarie
2 Wisdom Jalyn, kmd4390
1 ProHawk theslimer3

RachMarie (Night 1 Doctor) — eliminated

Night 1

  • Goon (zabriel) - Wisdom (successful)

Wisdom (Night 3 Cop) — killed by the Mafia

Day 2

Vote Count
# Target Voters
6 chkflip kmd4390, zabriel, CF Riot, BeautyAndTheBeast, Mitillos, mcqueen
3 kmd4390 ProHawk, Human Destroyer, chkflip
2 not voting theslimer3, Jalyn

chkflip (Night 4 Cop) — eliminated

Night 2

  • Cop (CF Riot) - mcqueen (INNOCENT)
  • Goon (zabriel) - BeautyAndTheBeast (successful)

BeautyAndTheBeast (Night 3 Doctor) — killed by the Mafia

Day 3

Vote Count
# Target Voters
5 kmd4390 ProHawk, zabriel, Bacde, Cheery Dog, Mitillos
4 Mitillos CF Riot, Jalyn, Human Destroyer, kmd4390

kmd4390 (Mafia Goon) — eliminated

Night 3

  • Doctor (Mitillos) - ProHawk (protect)
  • Goon (zabriel) - ProHawk (failed)

Day 4

Vote Count
# Target Voters
5 zabriel ProHawk, Mitillos, Cheery Dog, Human Destroyer, Nachomamma8
1 Mitillos CF Riot
1 Human Destroyer zabriel
1 not voting Bacde

zabriel (Mafia Goon) — eliminated

Night 4

  • Goon (Nachomamma8) - CF Riot (successful)

CF Riot (Night 2 Cop) — killed by the Mafia

Day 5

Vote Count
# Target Voters
4 Nachomamma8 ProHawk, Cheery Dog, Human Destroyer, Mitillos
1 Mitillos Nachomamma8
1 not voting Bacde

Nachomamma8 (Mafia Goon) — eliminated


Cheery Dog (Cop) - survived
Mitillos (Doctor) - survived
ProHawk (Doctor) - survived
Bacde (Doctor) - survived
Human Destroyer (Doctor) - survived