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Revision as of 11:13, 24 January 2011 by Sykedoc (talk | contribs)
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Prefer to be an Investigator. J Investigative opt16.gif

There's not really much to say about sykedoc yet. He's always suspicious.

He has recently learned that his D1/D2 tactics should be changed.

Also recently: He has realized that he wants to mod a lot and play a little.

If asked personally playing is much more likely, but he will be spending minimal time actually playing games these days.

Rant List

I hate meta.

I hate WIFOM. ... 0_o ... (HERESY! -RC)

I hate overly-aggressive players who ask the same question multiple times after its answered.

I hate people who get really upset when they get killed as if it isn't a game.


We're working with this... If you notice me being indecisive on D1, it's not because I'm scum! Stop confusing yourselves on this. I'm almost ALWAYS this way.

Player History

Games Played

  • Mini 570 - A Small Town in Italy Mafia - Game Over
  • Mini 577 - Town - Lynched Day 3 - Game Over
  • Prophecy Mafia - Replaced Out by Choice - Game Over
  • Realistic Mafia- Town - Lynched - Game Over
  • Mean Mod Lovefest - Town - Survived to Last Day/Endgamed - Game Over
  • Hip Hop Mafia - Serial Killer- Lynched - Game Over
  • SWN II: Curse of the Nekomata - Jailkeeper - Modkilled, interesting story: After Starbuck was lynched, I sent her an IM that said "I half expected you to flip town", nothing else, and she immediately goes and tattles. How nice. - Game Over
  • Clock Mafia - Mafia Vig - Won/Survived - Game Over

Games Modded

Upcoming Games

  • It Got Worse 2