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AurorusVox is active on both MafiaScum and EpicMafia[1] (under the same name). He doesn't quite know why he's talking in the third person, but he is known to live for the moment and just run with it. You can tell that you are with the Vox by his vibrant LEMON avatar. It is by no way an orange. The Lemon represents a student satire magazine that Vox co-founded and edited, which in its first year won a national award, "Best Student Media 2010" (he very is proud of this fact). His playstyle tends to be logic and analysis heavy, and he likes writing long thought out posts. His head has exploded a total of seven times due to WIFOM theorising.

AurorusVox's game record

"And here's the truth - if Aurorus is scum, you'll never get better than this. He's a smart player and won't make dumb mistakes." - Guybrush, Newbie 982: Shadows of Death

Townie W2 / L2

Mafia W3 / L0

  • not including marathon games

Mafia Games

Newbie Games

Newbie Game
Game Moderator Role Faction Joined As Death Date Win/Lose
Newbie 929 ShadowLurker Vanilla Townie Town Original Player Killed at Endgame Lost
Comments: My first game. Had really good fun in this game and it enticed me to coming back for more! I had a suspicion on one of the mafia, but our game was trashed by a townie fake-claiming cop (his guilty report was on another townie). Lynch all liars ended the game with a mafia win.
Newbie 940 Vel-Rahn Koon Vanilla Townie Town Original Player NK'd N1 Lost
Comments: This game was over quite quickly for me, being killed early N1. Had a really good game and learnt a lot about scumhunting from Thor665; but in the end, the scum Nachomamma8 made a ballsy PR claim and it paid off.
Newbie 961 CSL Vanilla Townie Town Replaced in D1 NK'd N2 Won
Comments: Alas, the scum seemed to give up in this game, though it was in the face of heavy evidence, collected and acted upon by a solid group of townies. Strangely, almost everyone was a replacement in this game!
Newbie 982: Shadows of Death Haylen Mafia Goon Mafia Original Player Survived Won
Comments: My first time as Mafia in a Newbie Game (my previous try was over quite quickly). Both my partners ooBAZZoo and Hinduragi played solidly, but I think I managed to keep suspicion off me very well throughout the entirety of the game. Despite shovel-loads of paranoia in the QT, there were no PRs in this game, but even if there had been, I think we'd still have won through. A great game.
Newbie 1022 Vel-Rahn Koon On-Going Game On-Going Game Original Player On-going Game On-going Game
Comments: Comments to come after the game

Open Games

Mini Normal Games
Game Moderator Role Faction Joined As Death Date Win/Lose
Open 230: Bird7 Phaen Mafia Goon Mafia Original Player Survived Won
Comments: My very first scumgame was over quite quickly, after a fast hammer from my scumbuddy don_johnson and a believed fake-claim from him too. The victory hinged on the confirmed townie hammering the real cop (with a guilty report on me) because he believed I was town! Good times.
Open 231: My Name is Earl Scott Brosius Vanilla Townie Town Original Player Lynched D2 Won
Comments: Though it was set up later than Bird7, this game actually began before it, making it my first non-newbie game. It wasn't what I was used to, and in the end I got myself lynched D2, ruining an otherwise flawless victory. But a good game nonetheless!
Open 246: Vengeance7 inHimshallibe Mafia Godfather Mafia Original Player Survived Won
Comments: Whew! This game had a pretty shaky start with me putting someone at L-1 pretty much from the off-set, but after some stellar D1 confusion by my goon CSL, the remaining goon and I made the most of the situation and won through. Our victory was probably helped by a VI, but we nevertheless had a large part in the win!

Mini Normal Games

Mini Normal Games
Game Moderator Role Faction Joined As Death Date Win/Lose
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Comments: **n/a**

Mini Theme Games

Mini Theme Games
Game Moderator Role Faction Joined As Death Date Win/Lose
Mini Theme 1036: DEFCON Mafia AlmasterGM Air-Base NATO Original Player NK'd N2 On-going game
Comments: This game is still on-going. Mafia could not kill N1, but they killed me as soon as they could (QQ). I (perhaps controversially) chose a scum-suited ability to prevent scum getting their hands on it, confident in my ability to prove my innocence through discussion; not to mention that I was wary of being killed off early! Fingers are crossed for a town win!

Large Theme Games

Large Theme Games
Game Moderator Role Faction Joined As Death Date Win/Lose
Large Theme: Gorrad's Favourite Fictional Characters Mafia Gorrad On-Going Game On-Going Game Original Player On-Going Game On-Going Game
Comments: to come after the game
Large Theme: Stars Aligned III Percy On-Going Game On-Going Game Original Player On-Going Game On-Going Game
Comments: to come after the game

Marathon Games

Marathon Games
Game Moderator Role Faction Joined As Death Date Win/Lose
5 Player Vengeful [2] wickedestjr Vanilla Townie Town Original Player Survived Won
Comments: A quick marathon vengeful game, my first of both! First scum was lynched D1, then after a mislynch on D2 we were in 3 man lylo. The scum tried to get me to vote the other townie, who was suspicious of me, but I stuck to my guns and we ended up combining against him!
One Night at the Gentleman's Club 2 drmyshottyizsik Groom Town Original Player Survived Won
Comments: The setup for this game was kinda broken - or maybe we just got lucky. In any case, we won through massclaim on D2.
Blackest Night Marathon 2 danakillsu Sinestro Mafia Roleblocker Scum Faction A Original Player Lynched D1 Lost
Comments: I got spanked by massclaim T_T
Fibonacci's Dream Plum Dreamer 0 Town Original Player Survived Won
Comments: My first Lucid Dreamer's game, I'm not sure I played particularly well. I could do global actions, but I'm pretty sure I chickened out and didn't do anything of the sort. We still won, though, due to mafia screwing up their massclaim.
Lucid Dreamer's XI Charnel Dreamer Town Original Player Killed at Endgame Lost
Comments: The mod made a mistake and killed someone who shouldn't have died, but that's no excuse. At LYLO I WIFOM'd my way out of lynching the scum, and hammered a townie. Damn.
Lucid Dreamer's XI CSL Nightmare Mafia Original Player Survived Won
Comments: This was reverse mafia, with more Nightmares than Dreamers, and I think it confused a few people (not least of all me). Anyway, the final scum also got confused and ended up clearing me by accident, which resulted in his lynching and our victory!

Other Such Shizzle

Prisoner's Dilemma Reloaded - Replaced in [3]


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