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Open 4

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Revision as of 22:59, 4 February 2007 by Azkar (talk | contribs) (+flavour)
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Open 4
Forum: Little Italy
Moderator(s): Thok, replacing Sarcastro Thok, replacing Sarcastro
Cop C9
Status: Ongoing
Winner(s): no outcome yet

Welcome to the town of Blandville, Saskatchewan. It was once a boring, peaceful town, with a thriving vanilla ice cream factory. Now it’s a boring, not-so-peaceful town. A bunch of nameless, motiveless bad guys have suddenly invaded the town’s bland, non-descript streets, and, inexplicably, none of you are able to tell them apart from the people you’ve lived with for years. Rather than conducting a formal investigation or something, you’ve decided that the best thing to do is randomly string people up on a cliché noose on a cliché tree that stands cliché-ishly in the middle of a cliché clearing. You bland-tastic vanilla townies and your uninteresting, by-the-book cop must root out the scum and get rid of them before they can infect you with the evil flavour disease and kill you for no apparent reason. Your boring, meaningless existences depend upon it!

The seven members of Blandville walk uniformly towards the cliché clearing near the town. "The Old Clearing", old Mr. Jones used to call it, before he was executed for creativity (ironically hanged in that very clearing). The name was subsequently changed to the "The Clearing", and it has been known as such ever since.

All of you Blandvillians have discovered that the two newest members of your community (Blandvillains, if you will) are out to destroy your bland existences by bringing flavourful fun to the town. It's unclear how exactly you know this, since nothing has really happened yet, but you're certainly not going to let that stand in the way of lynching someone.


  • IH (Mafia)
  • Nightfall, replacing lunalovegood (Mafia)
  • ThAdmiral (Cop) - Lynched Day 1
  • Mert (Townie) - Killed Night 1
  • Canucklehead, replacing nascarfan38124 (Townie) - Lynched Day 2
  • Patrick (Townie) - Endgamed
  • spectrumvoid (Townie) - Endgamed

Vote Counts and Night Choices

Day 1

  • ThAdmiral: 4 (Mert, IH, SV, Canucklehead)
  • mert: 1 (ThAdmiral)

Day 2

  • Canucklehead: 3 (spectrumvoid, IH, Nightfall)
  • Patrick: 1 (Canucklehead)

Day 2

  • Mafia kills Mert